Born in 1986 in İzmir, Murat Özgen completed his primary and high school education in İzmir and received his undergraduate education at Hacettepe University, Department of English Linguistics. After graduating from this department in 2008, He completed his master's degree at Dokuz Eylül University in 2010 and continued his doctoral studies. Özgen graduated from Ankara University Linguistics Department in 2015 and did post-doctoral research at the University of Massachusetts Amherst for 6 months between August 2017 and February 2018. For this post-doctoral research, he received a grant within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2219 – Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship. Özgen has been working at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Linguistics since 2012. His areas of interest include syntax, formal grammars, formal semantics and language typology.