He completed his high school education in Seyhan Rotary Anatolian High School. Graduated from Ege University Department of Bioengineering as a second rank student in 2010. Attended lots of projects about industrial microbiology during his undergraduate education. Studied on optimisation and characterization of beta galactosidase obtained from a thermophilic strain during his undergraduate thesis. He became master of science in 2013 in Dokuz Eylul University Graduate School of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Microbiology. Studied on primer design for molecular diagnosis of Hantavirus and epidemiology and supported by TUBITAK-2228 scholarship during his graduate study. Worked as Medical Microbiology Products Specialist between 2012 and 2015 in Biomérieux Inc. He completed his doctorate at Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Medical Microbiology in 2024.