Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • A.Akin.
    (2021) Marshall Plan Films and Documentaries: A Meditation on Origin of Communication for Development in Turkey.
    Ankara Üniversitesi İlef Dergisi , Vol. Güz, 9-32, ISBN: Özel Sayı: 2. CIDA
  • A.Akin and B.Yesil.
    (2019) Introduction to Special Issue.
    Middle East Journal Of Culture And Communication , Vol. 12, No. 2, 129-132,
  • A.Akin and B.Yaman Akyar.
    (2019) 2011-2013 Constitution-making Process and Media Field in Turkey.
    Kültür Ve Iletisim , Vol. 22, No. 43, 105-128,
  • A.Akin.
    (2019) Does Journalism Exist in Turkey?.
    Middle East Journal Of Culture And Communication , Vol. 12, No. 2, 205-2019,
  • A.Akin.
    (2017) Conditions of sense making and news making in Turkey after the failed coup attempt: Sisyphus labor on two fronts.
    Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism , Vol. 18(4), 518-532,
  • A.Akin.
    (2013) The reality is not as it seems from Turkey”: Imaginations about the Eurovision Song Contest from its production fields.
    International Journal Of Communication , Vol. 7, 2303-2321,

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • A.Akin.
    (2016) Medya Gücünü Aşındırma Girişimi Olarak Taraftar Tepkiselliği: “Medya Mağduru” Tribüncüler Medyaya Karşı.
    Maltepe Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi , Vol. 3(1), 55-79,
  • A.Akin.
    (2010) Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması üzerine bir monografik inceleme.
    İletişim Araştırmaları , Vol. 8-2, 115-132,
  • Ç.Kaya and A.Akın.
    (2017) Televizyon Haberciliğinde Küresel Etkileşim Örneği Olarak NTV-BBC İlişkisi.
    Global Media Journal TR Edition , Vol. 7(14), 83-104,
  • A.Akin and B.Dogu.
    (2017) NGOs in Turkey’s Media Field: Causes, Sources and Potentials for Development.
    Markets, Globalization & Development Review , Vol. 2, No. 2,
  • A.Akin and E.Ziraman.
    (2015) Power struggle in/around the Turkish online realm and three forms of opposition: Redhack, Alternative IS Association and personal resistances against YouTube ban.
    Global Media Journal: Mediterranean Edition , Vol. 10(1), 13-21,

Published or accepted to be published in refereed journals

  • A.Akin.
    (2021) • 2021. İzmir’in Kültürel Canlanmasının Kitabı: İzmirkültür. .
    Journal Of The Izmir Mediterranean Academy. , Vol. 10. , 99-101,
  • A.Akın.
    (2011) Desarrollo de los medios en Turquía: Cuando se abre la caja mágica de Pandora.
    Infoamérica: Iberoamerican Communication Review , No. 6, 97-114,