Annamaria Lapira was born in Siracusa, Italy. She received her BA in 1994 in Chinese Language and literature at Università di Venezıa Ca’ Foscari, Venice, department of Chinese studies. She pursued a Master in 2003 on “Didactics of Italian as non native language” at Università di Venezia Ca’Foscari, Venice, (duration of the Master: 2 years).
In July and August 2000 she received a scholarship, granted by Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Italy, in order to participate to seminars and workshops on “Percorsi didattici tra lingua e cultura.”
In 2011 she successfully participated and acquired the examiner qualification for TELC and CELI Italian A2, B1 and B2.
From 7th to 25th July 2014 she completed a 80-hour full-time course on “Creativita' nella didattica dell'italiano", organized by Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Italy, full scholarship granted by The Italian Culture Institute in Ankara, Turkey.
On May 23rd 2015 she successfully completed a 132-hour full-time CELTA course at Izmir University of Economics, Turkey.
From 4th to 22nd of July 2016, she completed a 66 hour full-time course in Teaching Italian to speakers of other languages. The course was based on seminars and workshops at Università per Stranieri Dante Alighieri in Reggio Calabria, Italy. She received again a full scholarship, granted by The Italian Culture Institute in Ankara, Turkey.
From 1992 to June 2004 she was part time instructor of Italian as foreign language at the Foreign Languages Institute in Beijing, China; at the Italian Culture Center in Oslo, Norway; at Babilonia School in Taormina, Sicily; at Laboratorio Linguistico school in Milazzo, Sicily.
Moreover, from 1997 to 2004 she taught Italian as second language to children at the primary school in Italy and Norway. Beside from 1993 to 2003 she was freelance interpreter and translator from English and Chinese into Italian. She joined IEU in September 2005 as lecturer of Italian at the department of Italian language.