Assoc. Prof. Aysu GÖÇER
Faculty of Business
Logistics Management
, Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Business
Assoc. Prof. Aysu GÖÇER
Faculty of Business
Logistics Management
, Izmir University of Economics Faculty of Business
Published in CPCI-S or CPCI-SSH indexed conference proceedings
- A.Göçer , Ö.Y.Saatçioğlu , M.H.Demir , O.Tuna , T.Baltacıoğlu and E.Adalı.
(2011) Achieving Sustainable Learning Through ERP Based Supply Chain In Vitro Laboratory.
World Conference On Educational Technology Researches
0-0, ISBN:
Published in other conference proceedings
- F.Avar , A.Göçer.
(2017) Sustainable Brand Personality Traits for Business-to- Business Markets.
22. Pazarlama Kongresi
-, ISBN:
- Ö.Gözegir , A.Göçer.
(2017) Youtube Marketing: Examining Sponsorship Effect of Youtubers and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay.
22. Pazarlama Kongresi
-, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , C.Altuntaş Vural.
(2016) Online Technologies in Social Marketing.
21. Pazarlama Kongresi
-, ISBN:
- B.Sevil Ofaç , A.Göçer , A.A.Çelik.
(2016) Alisverisin “Baba” Hali: Baba Olmakla Degisen Tüketim Aliskanliklarini Belirlemeye Yönelik Nitel Bir Arastirma.
21. Pazarlama Kongresi
-, ISBN:
- C.Altuntaş , A.Göçer , D.A.Deveci.
(2015) Türkiye Limanlarinda Pazar Yönlülük: Firsatlar, Engeller, Öncelikler.
2. Ulusal Liman Kongresi, Kasım, İzmir
0-0, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , O.Tuna.
(2015) Tüketicilerin Bakış Açısı ile Sürdürülebilirlik Odaklı Tedarik Zinciri Risk Yönetimi.
20. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi
0-0, ISBN:
- T.Örten Tuğrul , A.Göçer.
(2015) Türk Markalarının Sosyal Medya Sürdürülebilirlik Mesaj Çerçeveleme Stratejileri .
20. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi
0-0, ISBN:
- O.Tuna , A.Göçer , B.Çakaloz.
(2011) Pazarlama Eğitiminde Laboatuvar Kullanımmı üzerine bir Araştırma.
16. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi
0-0, ISBN:
- T.Baltacıoğlu , A.Göçer , E.Andiç , E.S.Selen.
(2010) The Importance of Packaging and Pallet Standardization in Distribution Process.
VI. International Packaging Congress
0-0, ISBN:
- B.Özdamar , A.Göçer , C.Altuntas Vural.
(2021) Household waste supply chains for enhanced circularity: Research opportunities.
28th International EurOMA Conference
-, ISBN:
- F.Ezzahraa, Zelmate , A.Göçer , Ö.Özpeynirci.
(2021) A Technological Business Model for Fair Distribution in Humanitarian Aid Supply Chains: A Systematic Literature Review.
33rd NOFOMA Conference
-, ISBN:
- M.Semiz , A.Göçer , N.Ö.Özpeynirci.
(2019) Logistics Performance Index Anaysis and Strategic Suggestions for Improving Turkey’s Performance.
26th EurOMA Conference
-, ISBN:
- B.Özdamar , T.Tabaklar , A.Göçer.
(2019) Value co-creation of continuous aid process in the humanitarian service triads .
26th EurOMA Conference
-, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , H.Y.Jin.
(2019) Exploring the Contingent Sustainability-Risk-Cost Relationship in an Emerging Economy: What is the True ROI of CSR?.
26th EurOMA Conference
-, ISBN:
- C.Altuntaş Vural , A.Göçer , A.Halldorsson.
(2018) Exploring Value-In-Use of Logistics Services: The Role of Operant Resources.
25th International EurOMA Conference
-, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , C.Altuntaş Vural , A.Halldorsson , S.E.Fawcett.
(2018) Sustainability Myopia: How A Lack of Visibility Stunts Sustainability Maturity.
5th International EurOMA Sustainable Operations And Supply Chains Forum
-, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , S.E.Fawcett , C.Altuntaş Vural , S.Brockhaus , A.M.Knemeyer.
(2018) To Manage or Not To Manage: Sustainability-Risk Interaction in the Supply Chain.
6th EurOMA Sustainable Operations And Supply Chain Forum
-, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , S.E.Fawcett.
(2018) Sustainability-induced Risks: Exploring How Hidden Costs Create a Vicious Cycle.
25th International EurOMA Conference
-, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , O.Tuna.
(2016) Assessment of Sustainability-Orientation in Supply Chain Risks Through Fuzzy AHP.
7th EDSI Conference
-, ISBN:
- C.Altuntaş Vural , A.Göçer.
(2015) Analyzing Turkish Maritime Industry from A Cluster Perspective.
XIII. International Logistics Supply Chain Congress
-, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , O.Tuna.
(2015) Sustainability-Oriented Risk Management In Supply Chains.
16th EBES Conferece, İstanbul
0-0, ISBN:
- C.Altuntaş , A.Göçer.
(2014) Integration Strategies in Shipping Industry: Drivers and Barriers.
12th International Logistics And Supply Chain Congress, İstanbul
0-0, ISBN:
- C.Altuntaş , A.Göçer , G.Denktaş Şakar.
(2013) Sustainability Awareness through the Supply Chain: A Scale Development Study.
18th Logistics Research Network Conference, England
0-0, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , O.Tuna.
(2013) Examining Sustainability Programs of Logistics Companies in Turkey.
18th Logistics Research Network Conference, England
0-0, ISBN:
- A.Göçer , M.H.Demir.
(2011) How To Mitigate Risk Through Supply Chain Redesign Using Hubs.
16th Logistics Research Network Conference
0-0, ISBN:
- T.Baltacioglu , O.Yurt , I.Yumurtacı , A.Gocer.
(2010) Risk Based Performance Management Through Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) and Supply Chain Management Maturity Model.
ICOVACS 2010 / Proceedings Of International Conference On Value Chain Sustainability(ICOVACS) 2010
0-0, ISBN: