Published in CPCI-S or CPCI-SSH indexed conference proceedings

  • B.Erdeniz , J.Done and N.Davey.
    (2011) From Simple Decisions to Habits: Adaptive Coding of Action Values Through Multiple Cortico-Striatal Loops.
    International Cognitive Neuroscience Congress
    0-0, ISBN:
  • B.Erdeniz , N.Atalay.
    (2010) Simulating Probability and Probabilistic Reversal Learning Using an Attention Gated Reinforcement Learning Algorithm: A Connectionists Model .
    IEEE Joint Conference In Neural Information Processing
    1-6, ISBN:
  • B.Erdeniz , J.Done , N.Davey and R.Frank.
    (2009) Model Based fMRI: A novel technique for combining computational models and Brain Function.
    International Cognitive Neuroscience Congress
    0-0, ISBN:
  • E.Aydinonat , B.Erdeniz.
    (2008) Evolution of Money: Perspectives from Neurobiology and Economics, NEUROECONOMICS: HYPE OR HOPE?,.
    NEUROECONOMICS: HYPE OR HOPE?, EIPE Conference, Rotterdam
    0-0, ISBN: