Lecturer Dr. Burcu EĞİLMEZ
Common Courses Section
Coordinator, İzmir University of Economics
Lecturer Dr. Burcu EĞİLMEZ
Common Courses Section
Coordinator, İzmir University of Economics
Referenced in publications covered by other indexes
- Citing :
Yıldırım, Onur. (-1)
"Erken Modern Osmanlı Siyasetnamelerinde Altın Çağ Anlatısı. - Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
- Citing :
Elmas, Emre. (-1)
"Ümit Ünal’ın 9’u ya da Bir “İmkan” olarak Tarihsel Olayın İmkansızlığı” - Tarihyazımı
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
- Citing :
Aytekin, E.A (-1)
Beyond Conflict and Coexistence: Cosmopolitanism and Inter-Communal Relations in the Late Ottoman Cities. - Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
- Citing :
Aköz, A. and H. Bahadır AKIN (-1)
Devletle İlişkileri Etrafında Bektaşilik: Doğuşu, Dönüşümü ve Krizi. - Turkish Culture & Haci Bektas Veli Research Quarterly
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
- Citing :
Fisher-Onar, Nora. (-1)
"Neo-Ottoman Intersections: The Politics of Gender in a Transforming Turkey—An Aſterword." - Springer International Publishing,
Cited :
Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalizaon & Development Review
- Citing :
Bargu, B (-1)
Neo-Ottomanism: An Alt-Right Formation from the South? - Social Research: An International Quarterly,
Cited :
Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
- Citing :
Irak, D. (-1)
Football in Turkey during the Erdoğan regime - Soccer & Society,
Cited :
Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
- Citing :
Tosun, Ali (-1)
Kentsel Dönüşümün Kapitalist Bir Yansıması: Ekonomi-Politik Yaklaşım - International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research
Cited :
İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
- Citing :
Ergun, C. E., & Ergun A. D (-1)
Harvey’in Mekan Tartışmaları Ekseninde Yaşlıların Gözünden Kentsel Dönüşüm - Akademik Hassasiyetler
Cited :
İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
- Citing :
Dündar, E. and Gazanfer, K. (-1)
Eski Bir Gecekondu Mahallesindeki Dönüşüm Dinamikleri ve Çelişkiler (Buca İlçesi Kuruçeşme Mahallesi Örneği) - Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
Cited :
İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
- Citing :
Tümtaş, Mim Sertaç, and Cem Ergun. (-1)
Making Space for Capital - Cities in the Globalizing World and Turkey: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Cited :
İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
Referenced in unindexed international publicatons
- Citing :
Insel, A. (-1)
La face cachée de la tolérance: l’inégalité - Revue du MAUSS
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
- Citing :
Heriot, G. (-1)
Rejoining the Great Game of the Airwaves: Australia’s Indo-Pacific Future - Hard news and free media as the sharp edge of Australian soſt power
Cited :
Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
- Citing :
Monika, Kuffer (-1)
Monitoring slums and informal settlements in Europe - JRC Research Reports
Cited :
İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
Referenced in books published by international publishers
- Citing :
Aytaç, A. Murat & Zafer Yılmaz. I (-1)
In Search for an Alternative Perspective on Minority Group Formation: Re-politicizing Non-territorial Autonomy. - Palgrave Macmillan
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Hoşgörü Söylemi - İletişim
- Citing :
Ozturk, AE. (-1)
Religion, Identity and Power: Turkey and the Balkans in the Twenty-First Century - Edinburg University Press
Cited :
Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
- Citing :
Karanfil G (-1)
Continuties and Changes in the Transnational Broadcasts of TRT. - Television in Turkey
Cited :
Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
- Citing :
Langan, M. (-1)
hapter Nine: The Moral Economy of Turkish Contributions to Poverty Reduction: Humanitarianism, Nationalism and Islamism in Justice and Development Party (AKP) Elite Discourse - The Political Economy of Muslim Countries
Cited :
Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
Referenced in books published by national publishers
- Citing :
Çakmak, Yalçın (-1)
Sultanın Kızılbaşları: II. Abdülhamid Dönemi Alevi Algısı ve Siyaseti - iletişim
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
Referenced in publications covered by WoS indexes
- Citing :
Saraçoğlu, C. , Demirtaş-Milz, N. , (2014-2015)
"Disasters as an ideological strategy for governing neo-liberal urban transformation in Turkey:Insights from Izmir" - Disasters 38 (1), 178-201.
Cited :
“The Politics of the Turkish Gecekondu (Slum) Dwellers: Case of Kuruçeşme District” - International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 4 (7) (2009): 65-74
- Citing :
Ozsahin, M. C., & Akin, H. B. (-1)
Preserving the Sacred Text: An Appraisal of Recent Meâl Bans in Türkiye - Sociology of Islam
Cited :
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
- Citing :
Birelma, A., E. Işıklı, and H. D. Sert (-1)
The stubborn persistence of working- class protest in Turkey in an age of authoritarian neoliberalism - Turkish Studies
Cited :
Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
- Citing :
Kirdiş, Esen (-1)
Similar Contexts, Different Behaviour: Explaining the Non-Linear Moderation and Immoderation of Islamic Political Parties in Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey - Politics, Religion & Ideology
Cited :
Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
- Citing :
Kirdiş, Esen, and Amina Drhimeur (-1)
The rise of populism? Comparing incumbent pro- Islamic parties in Turkey and Morocco - Turkish Studies
Cited :
Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
- Citing :
Gürsoy, A. Ö., & Karanfil, G. (-1)
The aſterlife of critique: The communicability of cricism and the publicity of polemic concerning public debate in the turkish press - International Journal of Communication
Cited :
Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
- Citing :
Filiz, Anlam (-1)
Verticalities in comparison: Debates on high-rise construction in Izmir and Istanbul - Urban Studies
Cited :
İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları