Referenced in publications covered by other indexes

  • Citing :
    Yıldırım, Onur. (-1)
    "Erken Modern Osmanlı Siyasetnamelerinde Altın Çağ Anlatısı. - Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırmalar Dergisi
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
  • Citing :
    Elmas, Emre. (-1)
    "Ümit Ünal’ın 9’u ya da Bir “İmkan” olarak Tarihsel Olayın İmkansızlığı” - Tarihyazımı
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
  • Citing :
    Aytekin, E.A (-1)
    Beyond Conflict and Coexistence: Cosmopolitanism and Inter-Communal Relations in the Late Ottoman Cities. - Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
  • Citing :
    Aköz, A. and H. Bahadır AKIN (-1)
    Devletle İlişkileri Etrafında Bektaşilik: Doğuşu, Dönüşümü ve Krizi. - Turkish Culture & Haci Bektas Veli Research Quarterly
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
  • Citing :
    Fisher-Onar, Nora. (-1)
    "Neo-Ottoman Intersections: The Politics of Gender in a Transforming Turkey—An Aſterword." - Springer International Publishing,
    Cited :
    Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalizaon & Development Review
  • Citing :
    Bargu, B (-1)
    Neo-Ottomanism: An Alt-Right Formation from the South? - Social Research: An International Quarterly,
    Cited :
    Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
  • Citing :
    Irak, D. (-1)
    Football in Turkey during the Erdoğan regime - Soccer & Society,
    Cited :
    Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
  • Citing :
    Tosun, Ali (-1)
    Kentsel Dönüşümün Kapitalist Bir Yansıması: Ekonomi-Politik Yaklaşım - International Journal of Social Humanities Sciences Research
    Cited :
    İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
  • Citing :
    Ergun, C. E., & Ergun A. D (-1)
    Harvey’in Mekan Tartışmaları Ekseninde Yaşlıların Gözünden Kentsel Dönüşüm - Akademik Hassasiyetler
    Cited :
    İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
  • Citing :
    Dündar, E. and Gazanfer, K. (-1)
    Eski Bir Gecekondu Mahallesindeki Dönüşüm Dinamikleri ve Çelişkiler (Buca İlçesi Kuruçeşme Mahallesi Örneği) - Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
    Cited :
    İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları
  • Citing :
    Tümtaş, Mim Sertaç, and Cem Ergun. (-1)
    Making Space for Capital - Cities in the Globalizing World and Turkey: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
    Cited :
    İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları

Referenced in unindexed international publicatons

  • Citing :
    Insel, A. (-1)
    La face cachée de la tolérance: l’inégalité - Revue du MAUSS
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
  • Citing :
    Heriot, G. (-1)
    Rejoining the Great Game of the Airwaves: Australia’s Indo-Pacific Future - Hard news and free media as the sharp edge of Australian soſt power
    Cited :
    Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
  • Citing :
    Monika, Kuffer (-1)
    Monitoring slums and informal settlements in Europe - JRC Research Reports
    Cited :
    İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları

Referenced in books published by international publishers

  • Citing :
    Aytaç, A. Murat & Zafer Yılmaz. I (-1)
    In Search for an Alternative Perspective on Minority Group Formation: Re-politicizing Non-territorial Autonomy. - Palgrave Macmillan
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Hoşgörü Söylemi - İletişim
  • Citing :
    Ozturk, AE. (-1)
    Religion, Identity and Power: Turkey and the Balkans in the Twenty-First Century - Edinburg University Press
    Cited :
    Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
  • Citing :
    Karanfil G (-1)
    Continuties and Changes in the Transnational Broadcasts of TRT. - Television in Turkey
    Cited :
    Politics, Culture and Media: Neo- Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz. - Markets, Globalization & Development Review
  • Citing :
    Langan, M. (-1)
    hapter Nine: The Moral Economy of Turkish Contributions to Poverty Reduction: Humanitarianism, Nationalism and Islamism in Justice and Development Party (AKP) Elite Discourse - The Political Economy of Muslim Countries
    Cited :
    Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies

Referenced in books published by national publishers

  • Citing :
    Çakmak, Yalçın (-1)
    Sultanın Kızılbaşları: II. Abdülhamid Dönemi Alevi Algısı ve Siyaseti - iletişim
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim

Referenced in publications covered by WoS indexes

  • Citing :
    Saraçoğlu, C. , Demirtaş-Milz, N. , (2014-2015)
    "Disasters as an ideological strategy for governing neo-liberal urban transformation in Turkey:Insights from Izmir" - Disasters 38 (1), 178-201.
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    “The Politics of the Turkish Gecekondu (Slum) Dwellers: Case of Kuruçeşme District” - International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 4 (7) (2009): 65-74
  • Citing :
    Ozsahin, M. C., & Akin, H. B. (-1)
    Preserving the Sacred Text: An Appraisal of Recent Meâl Bans in Türkiye - Sociology of Islam
    Cited :
    Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Hoşgörü Söylemi 1545-1566. - İletişim
  • Citing :
    Birelma, A., E. Işıklı, and H. D. Sert (-1)
    The stubborn persistence of working- class protest in Turkey in an age of authoritarian neoliberalism - Turkish Studies
    Cited :
    Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
  • Citing :
    Kirdiş, Esen (-1)
    Similar Contexts, Different Behaviour: Explaining the Non-Linear Moderation and Immoderation of Islamic Political Parties in Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, and Turkey - Politics, Religion & Ideology
    Cited :
    Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
  • Citing :
    Kirdiş, Esen, and Amina Drhimeur (-1)
    The rise of populism? Comparing incumbent pro- Islamic parties in Turkey and Morocco - Turkish Studies
    Cited :
    Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
  • Citing :
    Gürsoy, A. Ö., & Karanfil, G. (-1)
    The aſterlife of critique: The communicability of cricism and the publicity of polemic concerning public debate in the turkish press - International Journal of Communication
    Cited :
    Governing and/or Repressing the Dissent via Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class - Turkish Studies
  • Citing :
    Filiz, Anlam (-1)
    Verticalities in comparison: Debates on high-rise construction in Izmir and Istanbul - Urban Studies
    Cited :
    İzmir’de Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Dönüştürülemeyen Zorunlu Yoksulluk Halleri - Phoenix Yayınları