Lecturer Dr. Burcu EĞİLMEZ
Common Courses Section
Coordinator, İzmir University of Economics
Lecturer Dr. Burcu EĞİLMEZ
Common Courses Section
Coordinator, İzmir University of Economics
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI
- D.B.Eğilmez.
(2024) Neither nationalism nor neo-Ottomanism but the winner is neo-liberal consumerism? Arts of the past.
Turkish Studies , Vol. 25, No. 3, 538-569,
- D.B.Eğilmez.
(2017) The Impossibility of Pure Toleration in a Just Empire: The Ottoman Case (1545-1566).
Journal Of Mediterranean Studies , Vol. 26, No. 2, 209-226,
- D.B.Eğilmez.
(2012) Governing and/or Repressing Dissent via the Politics of Toleration: The Justice and Development Party versus the Labor Class.
Turkish Studies ,
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes
- D.B.Eğilmez and G.Karanfil.
(2017) Politics, Culture and Media: Neo-Ottomanism as a Transnational Cultural Policy on TRT El Arabia and TRT Avaz .
Markets, Globalization & Development Review (MGDR) , Vol. 2, No. 2, 1-24,
- D.B. Eğilmez.
(2017) Marriage, Family and Gender in Karagöz and in Late Ottoman İstanbul.
9 , Vol. 2, 59-70,
- D.B.Eğilmez.
(2016) Theatre, Film and History in terms of Intertextuality: “Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü?”/Metinlerarasılık Bağlamında Temaşa, Sinema, Tarih: “Hacivat Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü?”.
Monograf , Vol. 6, 52-86, ISBN: ISSN 2148-3442
- D.B.Eğilmez.
(2015) Difference and Equality for U.K. Le Guin: Dialogue, Dialogical Novel and Interdisciplinarity/U. K. Le Guin için Farklılık ve Eşitlik: Diyalog, Diyalojik Roman ve İnterdisiplinerlik.
Monograf , No. 4, 144-167, ISBN: 2148-3442
- D.B. Eğilmez.
(2009) The Politics of Turkish Gecekondu (Slum) Dwellers: Case of Kuruçeşme.
International Journal Of Interdiciplinary Sciences , Vol. 4, No. 7, 65-74, ISBN: 1833-1882