TÜBİTAK Sosyal Bilimlerde Proje Yazma Eğitimi - (2019-2020) ,“ Head of the Organizing Committee” |
10th National Symposium of Organizational Theory - (2018-2019) ,“ Conference Chairman” |
Çangarlı, G. B. 2017. Paydaşlar, Yöneticiler ve Etik. Gulova, A., Aytac, L.O., Dirik, D. (Editörler) - (2017-2018) ,“ Örgüt Kuramı, Örgüt Tasarımı ve Örgütsel Değişim (İçinde). Gazi Kitabevi, Ankara. (Jones, G.R. Organizational Theory, Design and Change (7th) ed., Pearson, NY’dan çeviri).” |
II. International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - (2010-2011) ,“ Head of the Organizing Committee” |
International Entrepreneurship Conference - (2009-2010) ,“ Organizing Commitee Member” |
6th International Student Conference - (2009-2010) ,“ Organizing Commitee Member” |
Gündem Seminerleri 1-2-3 organizasyonu - (2008-2009) ,“ "Finansal Kriz, Reel Sektör ve Fırsatlar", "2009 Türkiye Yatırım Ortamı ve Finansman Fırsatları", "Türkiye Rusya İlişkilerinin Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını" başlıklı gündem seminerlerinin organizasyon komitesinde görev aldım.” |
İİBF-SBE Gündem Seminerleri: “Finansal Kriz, Reel Sektör ve Fırsatlar - (2008-2009) ,“ Committee member” |
EXPO 2015 İzmir Çerçevesinde Sağlık Politikaları Sempozyumu - (2007-2008) ,“ Committee member” |
2nd Biannual International Women Studies Conference - (2007-2008) ,“ Committee member” |
1st IEU International Student Conference - (2005-2006) ,“ Committee member” |
1st Biannual International Women Studies Conference - (2005-2006) ,“ Committee member” |
International Conference on Tourism Security - (2004-2005) ,“ Committee member” |
International Association for Workplace Bullying and Harassment - (-1) ,“ Member” |
PERYON - (-1) ,“ Member” |
Organizational Trust Seminar - (-1) ,“ IASOB” |
Sharing Experiences, Workshop - (-1) ,“ Project HISER, Izmir Chamber of Commerce” |
Ethical Values at Work - (-1) ,“ Eldor Elektronik ve Plastik Malzemeleri” |
Communicating with Different Generations - (-1) ,“ NATO- Buca Military Headquarter” |
Generations at Work - (-1) ,“ PERYON- Kusaklar Zirvesi, Speaker” |
Business, Fundamentals - (-1) ,“ IUE Life Long Learning Center” |
Stress Management - (-1) ,“ IUE Life Long Learning Center, IZMIR JEOTERMAL, Izmir Chamber of Commerce” |
Leadership - (-1) ,“ TESCO” |
Motivation - (-1) ,“ IUE Life Long Learning Center, CROWNE-PLAZA, TESCO, IZMIR JEOTERMAL” |
Management, Fundamentals and Skills - (-1) ,“ IUE Life Long Learning Center, IZMIR JEOTERMAL” |
Management by Objectives - (-1) ,“ CROWNE-PLAZA” |
Communication and Negotiation Skills - (-1) ,“ IUE Life Long Learning Center, IZMIR JEOTERMAL” |
Organizational Politics - (-1) ,“ IUE Life Long Learning Center” |
Human Resources Management, Fundamentals - (-1) ,“ IUE Life Long Learning Center, Izmir Chamber of Commerce” |
Management in Family-Owned Businesses - (-1) ,“ ESSİAD, Izmir Chamber of Commerce” |
Strategic Management - (-1) ,“ ESSİAD” |
Organizational Culture and Commitment - (-1) ,“ İZMİR JEOTERMAL” |