National book chapters

  • G.Gunay and B.Guneri Cangarli.
    Bir Yenilik Girdisi Olarak Eğitim.
    Ö.N.Timurcanday Özmen , P.Süral Özer and E.D.Eris.
    Seçme Yazılarla Örgütler ve Yenilik.
    (2010), Detay Yayincilik,
  • G.Atabay , B.Güneri, .
    Güvenceli Esneklik Çalışma Modeli ve Olası Sonuçları.
    No. 2, 49-49
    Güvenceli Esneklik.
    (2009), İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi,
  • A.Katrinli , G.Günay and B.Güneri-Çangarlı.
    Deneyimsel Öğrenmenin İşletme Eğitimindeki Yeri ve Önemi.
    (2008), İzmir Ekonomi Üniversitesi Yayınları,

International book chapters

  • B.Cangarli.
    Turkey: East of west, west of east..
    M.Omari , M.Paull.
    Workplace Abuse, Incivility and Bullying.
    (2015), Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group,
  • B.Guneri Cangarli.
    Turks fell in love with Markafoni.
    O.Ferrell , G.Hint and L.Ferrell.
    Business: A Changing World New Special Edition for TURKEY.
    (2013), McGrawHill,
  • B.Güneri Çangarlı , G.Atabay and A.Aktan.
    Reflections of Building Organizational Integrity After Radical Changes.
    A.Stachowicz-Stanusch , W.Amann.
    Business Integrity in Practice: Insights from International Case Studies.
    (2012), Business Expert,
  • A.Katrinli , G.Atabay , G.Gunay and B.Guneri Cangarli.
    The Change Story of Yellow Auto Company.
    Cases and Exercises in Organizational Development and Change.
    (2011), Sage Publications,
  • A.Katrinli , G.Atabay , G.Gunay and B.Guneri Cangarli.
    Innovativeness: Is it a Function of the Leadership Style and the Value System of the Entrepreneur?.
    No. 1, 113-135
    Innovation Policies, Business Creation and Economic Development: A Comparative Approach.
    (2008), Springer Publishing, Vol. 21, ISBN: 978-0-387-79975-9
  • B.Guneri Cangarli.
    The Dark Side of the Relationships at Work: The Nature of Bullying.
    No. 7, 167-191
    Real-Life Stories of How People Feel and Behave in Organizations.
    (2008), BookSurge Publishing, ISBN: 978-1439203194
  • B.Guneri Cangarli.
    Stress Regardless of the Nature of Work.
    No. 4, 77-110
    Real-Life Stories of How People Feel and Behave in Organizations.
    (2008), BookSurge Publishing, ISBN: 978-1439203194
  • B.Guneri.
    Cultural Variables in International Projects: About the Program: Aims and Objectives..
    A.Breinbauer , K.Erenli , C.Malus and N.Miklavc.
    Business & Investment Location Turkey:Joint Venture opportunities for Turkish and Austrian banks and insurance companies, Logistics transcending borders and Cultural variables in International Projects.
    (2007), University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna, ISBN: 978-3-902624-03-1