Prof. Çiğdem KENTMEN ÇİN
Faculty of Business
Political Science and International Relations
Prof. Çiğdem KENTMEN ÇİN
Faculty of Business
Political Science and International Relations
Courses Given
2024 - 2025
- (GS 591) Research Design and Methods in Social Sciences
- (PSIR 601) Research Methods
2023 - 2024
2022 - 2023
- (PSIR 698) Thesis Proposal
2021 - 2022
2020 - 2021
2019 - 2020
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (PSIR 601) Research Methods
- (PSIR 605) Comparative Politics
- (PSIR 641) Social Movements
2018 - 2019
- (GSSS 591) Research Design and Methods in Social Sciences
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (PSIR 302) Comparative Politics
- (PSIR 303) Research Methods
2017 - 2018
- (PSIR 302) Comparative Politics
- (PSIR 303) Research Methods
- (PSIR 446) Public Opinion and Political Participation
- (PSIR 601) Research Methods
- (PSIR 642) Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior
2016 - 2017
- (IREU 104) History of European Integration
- (IREU 236) Analy. Approaches in Polit. Science and Int. Rel.
- (PSIR 207) Introduction to Political Science
- (PSIR 302) Comparative Politics
- (PSIR 303) Research Methods
- (PSIR 605) Comparative Politics
- (PSIR 642) Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior
2015 - 2016
- (IREU 104) History of European Integration
- (IREU 407) Comparative Politics
- (IREU 426) Governance in the European Union
- (PSIR 207) Introduction to Political Science
- (PSIR 302) Comparative Politics
- (PSIR 303) Research Methods
- (PSIR 605) Comparative Politics
2014 - 2015
- (IREU 104) History of European Integration
- (IREU 110) Introduction to Political Science
- (IREU 207) Institutions of the European Union
- (PSIR 201) History and Institutions of European Union
- (PSIR 207) Introduction to Political Science
2013 - 2014
- (IREU 104) History of European Integration
- (IREU 110) Introduction to Political Science
2012 - 2013
- (INT 507) Research Method and Techniques
- (IREU 104) History of European Integration
- (IREU 110) Introduction to Political Science
2011 - 2012
- (INT 507) Research Method and Techniques
- (IREU 104) History of European Integration
- (IREU 110) Introduction to Political Science
2010 - 2011
- (INT 507) Research Method and Techniques
- (IREU 104) History of European Integration
- (IREU 110) Introduction to Political Science
- (IREU 452) Applied Workshop on European Studies
2009 - 2010
- (EU 101) History of European Integration
- (EU 104) Institutions of the European Union
- (EU 410) European Integration and Turkey
- (EU 526) Identity Politics in the EU
- (INT 507) Research Method and Techniques
2008 - 2009
- (EU 104) Institutions of the European Union
- (EU 526) Identity Politics in the EU
- (INT 307) Comparative Politics
- (INT 507) Research Method and Techniques
2007 - 2008
- (EU 101) History of European Integration
- (EU 104) Institutions of the European Union
- (EU 525) European Political Parties and European Parliament
- (EU 526) Identity Politics in the EU
- (INT 507) Research Method and Techniques