Faculty of Business
International Trade and Finance
, Izmir University of Economics
, Izmir University of Economics
Faculty of Business
International Trade and Finance
, Izmir University of Economics
, Izmir University of Economics
Referenced in publications covered by other indexes
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Jian Yang , Juan Cabrera , (2010-2011)
Nonlinearity, data-snooping, and stock index ETF return predictability - European Journal of Operational Research
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Linear and nonlinear dependence in Turkish equity returns and its consequences for financial risk management - European Journal of Operational Research
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Konstantinos Tolikas (2010-2011)
The rare event risk in African emerging stock markets - Managerial Finance
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The empirical distribution of stock returns: Evidence from an emerging European market - Applied Economics Letters
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Arnold Polanski , Evarist Stoja , (2010-2011)
Incorporating Higher Moments into Value-at-Risk Forecasting - Journal of Forecasting
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The empirical distribution of UK and US stock returns - Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting
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Wan-Hsiu Cheng , Jui-Cheng Hung , (2009-2010)
Skewness and leptokurtosis in GARCH-typed VaR estimation of petroleum and metal asset returns - Journal of Empirical Finance
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The empirical distribution of UK and US stock returns - Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting
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Wan-Hsiu Cheng , Jui-Cheng Hung , (2009-2010)
Skewness and leptokurtosis in GARCH-typed VaR estimation of petroleum and metal asset returns - Journal of Empirical Finance
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Skewness in the conditional distribution of daily equity returns - Applied Financial Economics
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Markus Haas (2008-2009)
Modelling skewness and kurtosis with the skewed Gauss–Laplace sum distribution - Applied Economics Letters
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Skewness in the conditional distribution of daily equity returns - Applied Financial Economics
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Jun Yang (2008-2009)
Semiparametric estimation of asset pricing kernel - Applied Financial Economics
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Skewness in the conditional distribution of daily equity returns - Applied Financial Economics
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Kirt Butler , Katsushi Okada , (2008-2009)
The relative contribution of conditional mean and volatility in bivariate returns to international stock market indices - Applied Financial Economics
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Skewness in the conditional distribution of daily equity returns - Applied Financial Economics
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Chun-Hao Chang , Brice Dupoyet , (2008-2009)
Effect of intervalling and skewness on portfolio selection in developed and developing markets - Applied Financial Economics
Cited :
Skewness in the conditional distribution of daily equity returns - Applied Financial Economics
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Alexander M. Eastman , Brian M. Lucey , (2007-2008)
Skewness and asymmetry in futures returns and volumes - Applied Financial Economics
Cited :
Skewness and the conditional distribution of daily equity returns - Applied Financial Economics
- Citing :
Alper Ozun , Atilla Cifter , (2006-2007)
Filtered extreme-value theory for value-at-risk estimation: evidence from Turkey - Journal of Risk Finance
Cited :
An Assessment of Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Tail Loss (ETL) Under a Stress Testing Framework for Turkish Stock Market - Advances in Turkish Economy and Business Environment: Theory and Applications
Referenced in books published by international publishers
- Citing :
Evdokia Xekalaki , Stavros Degiannakis , (2009-2010)
ARCH Models for Financial Applications - Wiley Book
Cited :
The empirical distribution of UK and US stock returns - Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting
Referenced in publications covered by WoS indexes
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Yeliz Mert Kantara , Ilhan Usta, Şükrü Acıtaşa , (2011-2012)
A Monte Carlo simulation study on partially adaptive estimators of linear regression models - Journal of Applied Statistics
Cited :
The empirical distribution of UK and US stock returns - Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting