Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • C.C.Küçüközmen and S.Altay.
    (2008) Linear and non-linear dependence in the stock market returns: Validity check of the weak-form efficient market hypothesis.
    Yapı Kredi Economic Review , Vol. 19, No. 2, 45-62, ISBN: 1019-1232
  • D.Ezgi-Kayalar , C.C.Küçüközmen and A.Selçuk-Kestel.
    (2017) The impact of crude oil prices on financial market indicators: copula approach.
    Energy Economics , Vol. 61, 162-173,
  • İ.H.Yetkiner , C.C.Küçüközmen.
    (2012) Crisis and Recovery in Emerging Markets.
    Emerging Markets Finance & Trade , Vol. 48, No. 4, 3-6,
  • C.C.Küçüközmen , R.D.F.Harris and F.Yılmaz.
    (2004) Skewness in the Conditional Distribution of Daily Equity Returns.
    Applied Financial Economics , Vol. 14, No. 3, 195-202, ISBN: 0960–3107
  • C.C.Küçüközmen , R.D.F.Harris.
    (2001) Linear and Non-linear Dependence in Turkish Equity Returns and its Consequences for Financial Risk Management.
    European Journal Of Operational Research , Vol. 134, No. 3, 481-492, ISBN: 0377-2217
  • C.C.Küçüközmen , R.D.F.Harris.
    (2001) The Empirical Distribution of Stock Returns: Evidence from an Emerging European Market.
    Applied Economics Letters , Vol. 8, No. 6, 367-371, ISBN: 1350-4851
  • C.C.Küçüközmen , R.D.F.Harris.
    (2001) The Empirical Distribution of UK and US Stock Returns.
    Journal Of Business, Finance And Accounting , Vol. 28, No. 5/6, 715-740, ISBN: 0306-686X

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • C.C.Küçüközmen , N.S.Aydın.
    (2010) Stress-testing of energy related derivative instruments based on conditional market risk models.
    Enerji Piyasa Ve Düzenleme Dergisi (Energy Market And Regulation) , Vol. 1, No. 2, 121-144, ISBN: 1308-8300
  • C.C.Küçüközmen , M.Mazıbaş.
    (2005) Finansal riskten korunma fonları (Hedge Funds).
    Finans-Politik Ve Ekonomik Yorumlar (Finance, Politics And Economic Reviews) , Vol. 42, 25-42, ISBN: 1307-7112

Published or accepted to be published in refereed journals

  • C.C.Küçüközmen.
    (2012) 2011'i Geride Bırakırken Finansal Kriz, AB ve Türkiye.
    Maliye Finans Yazıları , Vol. 26, No. 94, 23-42,
  • C.C.Küçüközmen.
    (2007) Serbest Yatırım Fonları (Hedge Funds).
    Uluslararası Ekonomik Sorunlar (International Economic Issues) , Vol. 27, No. 7, 35-42, ISBN: 1306-8431
  • C.C.Küçüközmen.
    (1999) Bankacılıkta Risk Yönetimi Ve Sermaye Yeterliliği Value At Risk Uygulamaları (Risk Management in Banking and Capital Adequacy: Implementation of VaR Models).
    İktisat, İşletme Ve Finans (Economics, Business And Finance) , Vol. 14, No. 156, 71-87, ISBN: 1300-610X
  • C.C.Küçüközmen.
    (1996) BCCI Case and the International Supervisory Arrangements.
    Hazine Dergisi (Treasury Journal) , Vol. 4, 121-133, ISBN: 1300-7831
  • C.C.Küçüközmen.
    (1996) Mevduat Sigortası (Deposit Insurance).
    İktisat, İşletme Ve Finans (Economics, Business And Finance) , Vol. 11, No. 22, 44-53, ISBN: 1300-610X