Cultural heritage preservation specialist, interior architect and environmental designer (MSc, METU; BSc, Baskent University) and architectural historian (PhD, METU) Assistant Professor Dr. Deniz Avci (Izmir University of Economics, IAED) specializes on the architectural historiography and conservation of the twentieth-century Modern Movement architecture and its interiors in Turkey by the assessment of different building typologies, especially housing and healthcare architecture, and utilizes films as archives in her research. Her PhD dissertation (2018) titled ‘Housing the modern nation: The transformation of residential architecture in Ankara during the 1920s’ contributed to the missing gap in the literature of the 1920s’ housing in Ankara. Researcher in the project titled ‘Architects who left their marks in Ankara’ and committee member in ‘docomomo_turkey Interior Design’, she is currently co-leading two projects, one titled ‘Architecture of Convalescence: Mapping the Sanatorium Heritage of Turkey’ supported by the Turkish Architects’ Association-1927 with Modern Architecture Research Award and the other titled ‘Between Medicine and Architecture in Mid-Century Turkey: Ankara’s Atatürk (Keçiören) Sanatorium’ supported by VEKAM with Ankara Research Awards. In 2023, she joined the ‘DATUMM – Documenting and Archiving Modern Turkish Furniture’ team as one of the researchers.