Assoc. Prof. Derya NİZAM BİLGİÇ
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Double Major and Minor Program Department Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Erasmus Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Assoc. Prof. Derya NİZAM BİLGİÇ
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Double Major and Minor Program Department Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Erasmus Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI
- D.Nizam and F.Tatari.
(2022) Rural Revitalization through Territorial Distinctiveness: The Use of Geographical Indications in Turkey.
Journal Of Rural Studies , No. 93, 144-154,
- D.Nizam.
(2020) New Rural Development Versus the Familiar Rural Motherhood: The Commercialization of Local Foods and Its Effect on Gender Roles.
Turkish Journal Of Sociology , Vol. 40, 79-108,
- D.Nizam and Z.Yenal.
(2020) Seed politics in Turkey: the awakening of a landrace wheat and its prospects.
Journal Of Peasant Studies , Vol. 47, No. 4, 741-766,
- D.Nizam.
(2017) Place-Based Labels in Agricultural Value Chains.
Comparative Sociology , Vol. 16, No. 3, 422-445, ISBN: 1569-1322
- D.Nizam.
(2017) Place, food and agriculture: The use of geographical indications in Turkey.
New Perspectives On Turkey , Vol. 57, 3-30, ISBN: 0896-6346
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes
- D.Nizam.
(2021) Pandemi Sürecinde Tarım Sorununu Yeniden Düşünmek.
Praksis , No. 55, 151-174,
- D.Nizam.
(2021) Kooperatifler, Belediyeler ve Gıda Ağları: Tire Süt Kooperatifi Örneği.
Journal Of Business, Innovation And Governance , Vol. 4, No. 1, 113-131,
- D.Nizam.
(2011) Cografi Isaretler ve Kuresel Piyasalarda Yerellesen Tarim Urunleri [Geographical Indications and Localized Agricultural Products in Global Markets].
Praksis , Vol. 25, 87-116,
Published or accepted to be published in refereed journals
- D.Nizam.
(2006) Devrimin Dikişleri: Laclau ve Mouffe'un Alternatifleri” [The Sutured Revolution: Laclau and Mouffe].
Birikim , Vol. 205-206, 156-163,