Participant in projects supported by international organizations

  • Pastoralism and action for sustainability: Participatory planning for the governance of extensive grazing in Turkey
    (2024-2025) British Academy
  • Green Transition and Decent Work in Izmir and the Aegean Building Academic and Stakeholder Networks for Research and Practice Project Team
    (2020-2021) University of Sussex
  • A Sociological Research on Soil Conservation Practices: No-till Farming
    (2020-2021) World Wildlife Fund- WWF
  • Conditional Dispossession: Credit Use in Turkish Agriculture since the Great Recession
    (2018-2019) Funded by US Rural Sociological Society. Director: Yetkin Borlu, University of Richmond

Manager or Director in projects supported by national organizations such as TUBITAK, DPT

  • A Socio-economic analysis of cooperatives in İzmir
    (2021-2022) İzmir Development Agency
  • Doğu Karadeniz Coğrafi İşaretli Ürünlerde Kooperatifçilik Stratejisi
    (2019-2020) Eastern Black Sea Development Agency
  • Kars Kaşarı Coğrafi İşaretinin Tanıtımı, Denetleme Sistemi ve Üreticilerin Örgütlenmesi Projesi
    (2016-2017) Serhat Development Agency

Participant in projects supported by national organizations such as TUBITAK, DPT

  • The Project of “Agrarian Change under Globalization: Post-national Paths of Rural Transformation” (Directors: Prof. Dr. Caglar Keyder and Prof.Dr. Zafer Yenal)
    (2008-2009) Bogazici University, BAP and Social Policy Forum
  • The Project Report of Transformation and Integration with Global Markets in Turkish Agriculture (Director: Prof. Dr. Huricihan İslamoglu)
    (2006-2007) TUBITAK