Published in other conference proceedings

  • F.D.Himam Er , E.Özkavruk Adanır , E.Tekcan , M.Baloğlu , F.Özbengi Uslu and E.Yazgan Bulgun.
    (2023) Bitkilerden Elde Edilen Boyar Madde ve Mürekkeplerin Tekstil ve Biyomalzemelerin Renklendirilmesinde Kullanılması.
    Akdeniz 9. Uluslararası Uygulamalı Bilimler Kongresi
    46-56, ISBN:
  • E.Tekcan.
    (2019) Flesh in the Age of Technological Embodiment/Disembodiment: Representations of Body in William Gibson’s Neuromancer.
    Monash University Prato Centre, Tuscany/ ITALY / The 20th Conference Of The Utopian Studies Society, Book Of Abstracts
    97-, ISBN:
  • A.Vuruşkan , E.Yazgan Bulgun , E.Tekcan.
    (2018) Couture meets technology: Illuminated wedding dress.
    18th AUTEX World Textile Conference, İstanbul/TURKEY
    402-406, ISBN:
  • E.Tekcan , F.D.Himam.
    (2018) Ideology and Dress in the Early Social Science Fiction Novels: A Comparative Analysis of Bellamys Looking Backward and Morriss News From Nowhere.
    Science Fiction And Communism Conference, Blagoevgrad/BULGARIA
    0-0, ISBN:
  • E.Tekcan , A.Vuruşkan , E.Yazgan Bulgun , M.Kalaycı.
    (2018) Ready-to- Print Wear: 3D Printing Applications in Fashion.
    7th International Technical Textiles Congress, İzmir/TURKEY
    255-260, ISBN: