She graduated from Ege University, Department of Textile Engineering. After graduation, she worked at design and pattern departments of various Ready-to-Wear companies. She completed her graduate degree in Textile Engineering Ready-to-Wear option program in 1990 at Ege University. During her graduate degree studies, she attended Dokuz Eylül University-Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Textile Design. She completed her doctoral degree at Department of Ready-to-Wear in 1994. She started her academic career as an assistant professor at Dokuz Eylül University, Department of Textile Engineering in 1997. She was promoted to associate professorship in 2004 and professorship in 2009 at the same university. Among her interests are ready-to-wear technology, fashion design, CAD systems, smart clothing and designs.

She conducted courses on fashion design at Department of “Fashion Design”, which was co-established with “FIT” at Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Textile Technologies and Design during 2005-2007.

During 2008-2009, she organized the entire academic programs as a fashion design program course leader at Istanbul Fashion Academy, established as part of The General Secretariat of Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters’ Associations.

She conducted undergraduate courses in Fashion Design, Technical Textiles, Computer Aided Pattern Design, and she conducted graduate and postgraduate courses in CAD/CAM Systems, Smart Clothing Technologies and Applications, Design and Production Development in Textile Engineering.

She currently provides counselling and execution for TUBITAK-TEYDEB and SANTEZ projects. 34 out of 60 of her articles were published abroad. She also worked as an ERASMUS coordinator at Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Engineering at 2010-2012.