After graduating from İzmir Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Law in 1990, Dr Esra KATIMAN completed her post-graduate education at Robert Schuman University, Faculty of Law (Strasbourg, France) in 2006 with her Master’s thesis titled "Roma cases before European Court of Human Rights" under direction of Prof. Dr. Syméon KARAGIANNIS. She started her doctorate studies in 2007 and completed these studies in 2012 with her thesis (PhD) titled "Human Trafficking as a breach of Human Rights", thus receiving the title of Doctor of International Law from the Strasbourg University (Law).

Esra KATIMAN started her professional career as an attorney (1991, İzmir), and went on to work as a reporter-lawyer for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) between 2001 and 2005. During her tenure with the ECHR, she worked in the field of Human Rights Law. During this period of time at ECHR her main subjects of work consisted of performing legal researches which required expertise in International Law, examining appeal files, providing legal consultancy services to judges, and writing Court reports and project decisions in French, one of the two official languages of the Court.

Assigned to serve as expert legal advisor in scope of Human Rights Law related projects of the European Council and the European Union in Turkey between 2005 and 2007, Esra KATIMAN has participated in seminars and lectured in conferences on subjects like "Human Rights Law," "Criminal Law and Human Rights," "Terror Offences and Human Rights," "Freedom of Thought and Opinion" and "International standards for penal institutions and detention institutions" in scope of these projects.

As the first lawyer from Turkey to be accepted (on 26 October 2010) to List of Counsel before the International Criminal Court (The Hague-Netherlands), Att. Dr Esra KATIMAN is still a registered lawyer on this Counsellor/Lawyer List.

Even though her main field of professional and academic work consists of International Law, International Criminal Law and Human Rights Law, Dr Esra KATIMAN is also very closely interested in other branches of private law with an international aspect.