Asst. Prof. Faezeh Yeganli
Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Asst. Prof. Faezeh Yeganli
Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI
- F.Yeganli , M.Nazzal , M.Unal and H.Ozkaramanli.
(2016) Image super-resolution via sparse representation over multiple learned dictionaries based on edge sharpness.
Signal Image And Video Processing, Springer , Vol. 10, No. 3,
- F.Yeganli , M.Nazzal , H.Ozkaramanli.
(2015) Image super-resolution via sparse representation over multiple learned dictionaries based on edge sharpness and gradient phase angle.
- M.Nazzal , F.Yeganli , H.Ozkaramanli.
(2015) A Strategy for Residual ComponentBased Multiple Structured Dictionary Learning.
Vol. 22,
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes
- F.Yeganli , K.Singh.
(2019) Finger-Print Image Super-Resolution via Gradient Operator based Clustered Coupled Sparse Dictionaries.
2019 IEEE International Symposium On INnovations In Intelligent SysTems And Applications (INISTA) ,