Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • M.E.Solmaz , A.Y.Mutlu , G.Alankus , V.Kılıç , A.Bayram and N.Horzum.
    (2018) Quantifying Colorimetric Tests Using a Smartphone App Based on Machine Learning Classifiers.
    Sensors And Actuators B: Chemical , Vol. 255, 1967-1973,
  • G.Alankus , C.Kelleher.
    (2015) Reducing Compensatory Motions in Motion-Based Video Games for Stroke Rehabilitation.
    Human–Computer Interaction , Vol. 30, No. 0304, 232-262,
  • R.Proffitt , G.Alankus , C.Kelleher , J.Engsberg.
    (2011) Use of Computer Games as an Intervention for Stroke: A Case Report.
    Topics In Stroke Rehabilitation , Vol. 18, No. 4, 417-427,
  • S.Bhattacharya , N.Atay , G.Alankus , C.Lu , O.B.Bayazit and G.Roman.
    (2006) Roadmap Query for Sensor Network Assisted Navigation in Dynamic Environments.
    Lecture Notes In Computer Science , Vol. 4026, 17-36,
  • G.Alankus , A.A.Bayazit , O.B.Bayazit.
    (2005) Automated Motion Synthesis for Dancing Characters.
    Computer Animation And Virtual Worlds , Vol. 16, No. 3, 259-271,

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • G.Alankus , R.Proffitt , C.Kelleher , J.Engsberg.
    (2011) Stroke Therapy through Motion-Based Games: A Case Study.
    ACM Transactions On Accessible Computing (TACCESS) , Vol. 4, No. 1, 1-35,