International scholarships or funds received for academic works

  • Yurt Dışı Araştırma Bursu
    (2008-2009) Tübitak

National scholarships or funds received for academic works

  • The impact of firm-specific public news on intraday market dynamics: Evidence from Turkish stock market
    (2011-2012) TÜBİTAK
  • The impact of interest rate and exchange rate volatility on banks' stock returns and volatility: Evidence from Turkey
    (2010-2011) TÜBİTAK
  • Finansal risk algılamalarında cinsiyet farklılığının etkisi
    (2009-2010) TÜBİTAK
  • Consolidation and commercial bank interest net interest margins: Evidence from the old and new European Union members and candidate countries
    (2009-2010) TÜBİTAK