Asst. Prof. Gülizar Çalışkan Bilgin received her B.Sc., M.Sc and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Bioengineering, Ege University, Turkey in 2011, 2014 and 2020 respectively. During her Ph.D., she worked in the NanoBioprocess and Process Analytical Technology Laboratory at Ege University and took part in the TUBITAK 1001 Project on “Optimization of Synthesis of Biogenic Nanoparticles by Microalgae and Potential Use in Biotechnology”. Dr. Çalışkan Bilgin took part in various national and TÜBİTAK supported projects in the fields of biotechnology, bioprocess and bioengineering as a consultant and a scholar. She is currently the principle investigator in a scientific research project on the sustainable use of microalgae. Her areas of interest are bioprocesses, bioreactors, nanobiotechnology, bioproducts, their optimization and characterization.