Asst. Prof. Günnur Güler
( Part-Time Lecturer )
Faculty of Medicine
Basic Medical Sciences
Asst. Prof. Günnur Güler
( Part-Time Lecturer )
Faculty of Medicine
Basic Medical Sciences
Published in other conference proceedings
- G.Güler , Ü.Güven and G.Öktem.
(2019) Discrimination of Cancer Cell Subpopulations based on the FTIR Spectral Data.
4th International Turkish Congress On Molecular Spectroscopy (TURCMOS 2019)
-, ISBN:
- G.Güler , E.Açıkgöz and G.Öktem.
(2019) Multisellüler Sferoid Modeli ile Prostat Kanser Kök Hücre Özelliklerinin Biyofiziksel Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi.
31. Ulusal Biyofizik Kongresi
-, ISBN:
- G.Güler , E.Karasulu.
(2019) Biomolecular Spectroscopy For Diagnostic Purposes.
IV. Türkiye In Vitro Diyagnostik (IVD) Sempozyumu, "BİYOSENSÖRLER”, / Turkish Journal Of Biochemistry
-, ISBN:
- G.Güler , İ.İnce , E.Medine and Y.Yıldırım.
(2018) Targeted Nanoparticles and the Cell Spectra (FTIR).
14th Nanoscience And Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR-14)
-, ISBN:
- I.Çinar , İ.Aksoy , G.Güler.
(2020) Spectroscopic and Computational Molecular Docking studies on the protein-drug interactions.
DOI: 10.1109/TIPTEKNO50054.2020.9299322 / 2020 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO)
-, ISBN:
- G.Güler.
(2019) Novel Strategies in Biomedical Spectroscopy.
24th Biomedical Science And Technology Symposium (BIOMED2019)
-, ISBN:
- G.Güler , E.Karasulu.
(2018) Determination of drug targets in cancer cells with ATR-FTIR.
6th International Bahçeşehir University (BAU) Drug Design Congress
-, ISBN:
- G.Güler , A.Nalbant.
(2018) Flow Cytometry and FTIR Spectroscopy for Detection of Early Apoptosis in Human T Cells.
2nd International Cell Death Research Congress / MDPI Proceedings, 2018, 2(25),1558
1-4, ISBN: