Born in Izmir, Gür Şengün completed his undergraduate education at Izmir University of Economics, in the Department of Psychology. During this period, he carried out studies on motivation and work-life balance, and conducted the research "Family Supporting Organizational Perceptions and Family Supporting Supervisor Behaviors in Turkey" and presented it at the 14th European Conference on Psychological Assessment in Portugal under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Nevra Cem Ersoy. He graduated from the undergraduate program by completing graduation project titled “Investigating the Relationship between Mindfulness and Work Engagement: The Effects of Psychological Detachment and Job Resources”.
After his undergraduate degree, he completed his master’s degree in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. During his master’s education he worked as a student assistant in the "Stress, Health and Sustainable Business Life" course at the Faculty of Business Administration for two consecutive years. His thesis focused on individual differences in the relationship between work attitudes and designs, namely “Why Are Some People More Stressed About Emotional Labor Demands? The Moderating Roles of Goal Orientation and Job Autonomy”.
Gür Şengün has experience in human resources, training and consultancy. He currently continues his work as a work psychology consultant under Filia Psychology Training and Consultancy Center, of which he is the founding partner.
His work focuses on work design, well-being, change and productivity.