Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • H.Aka Uymaz and S.Kumova Metin.
    (2023) Emotion-Enriched Word Embeddings for Turkish.
    Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 225, ISBN: 0957-4174
  • H.Aka Uymaz and S.Kumova Metin.
    (2023) Enriching transformer-based embeddings for emotion identification in an agglutinative language: Turkish.
    IT Professional , Vol. 25, No. 4, 67-73, ISBN: 1520-9202
  • H.Aka Uymaz and S.Kumova Metin.
    (2022) Vector based sentiment and emotion analysis from text: A survey.
    Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence , Vol. 113C, 1-15, ISBN: 0952-1976

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • H.Aka Uymaz and S.Kumova Metin.
    (2017) A Comprehensive Analysis of Web-based frequency in Multiword Expression Detection.
    International Journal Of Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering , Vol. 5, No. 3, 145-153, ISBN: 2147-6799