Lecturer Dr. İDİL GÖKSEL
( Part-Time Lecturer )
Faculty of Business
Member, Creative Economy Research and Application Center
Member, EKOKAM
, Internship Commission
Lecturer Dr. İDİL GÖKSEL
( Part-Time Lecturer )
Faculty of Business
Member, Creative Economy Research and Application Center
Member, EKOKAM
, Internship Commission
Published in other conference proceedings
- İ.Göksel and E.Uysal.
(2018) Cinsiyete Dayalı Kuznet Eğrisi: Türkiye'de Kadın İşgücü Katılım oranının Yükselmemesinin Nedenleri.
SADAB Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Ve Davranış Bilimleri $empozyumu
-, ISBN:
- I.Göksel and L.Çavuşoğlu.
(2018) Exploring Motivations of Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts.
-, ISBN:
- I.Goksel and A.Duman.
(2013) Job Networks in Izmir: Why are Migrants different?.
EcoMod / Conference Proceedings CD Of EcoMod2013, International Conference On Policy Modelling.
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Goksel.
(2012) The Influence of Maternal Employment on Children’s Long Run Achievement: Case of Izmir.
EcoMod / Conference Proceedings Of EcoMod2012, International Conference O Policy Modelling (CD)
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G..
(2010) Conservatism and Female Labour Force Participation in Turkey.
EcoMod / Conference Proceedings Of EcoMod2010, International Conference O Policy Modelling (CD)
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G..
(2009) Determinants of Demand for Education in Turkey.
UNICEF And Egypt National Child Rights Observatory / Child Poverty And Disparities: Public Policies For Social Justice
155-177, ISBN:
- I.G..
(2008) Determinants of School Attainment in Turkey and the Impact of the Extension of Compulsory Education.
EcoMod / Conference Proceedings Of EcoMod2008, International Conference On Policy Modelling (CD)
0-0, ISBN: