Prof. İsmihan BAYRAMOĞLU
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. İsmihan BAYRAMOĞLU
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Published in CPCI-S or CPCI-SSH indexed conference proceedings
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2016) On some new models of multivariate record values .
12th International Conference On Order Statistical Data. University Of Piraeus, 25-28 May, 2016. (Invited Speaker)
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2016) Ordered Random variables- theory and applications .
All In One Conferences-Statistics And Econometrics. Zagreb, 19-22 April, 2016. (Keynote Speaker)
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2015) Multivariate record times and values..
“16th International Symposium On Econometrics, Operations Research And Statistics”, Trakya University MAY 7-12, 2015. (Invited Speaker)
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2014) New Probability Aspects of Marshall-Olkin Type Shock Models and System Reliability.
International Workshop On Applied Probability. “Probability The Measure Of Tomorrow”, June 16-19, 2014. (plenary Speaker)
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov.
(2011) Mixed exchangeable random variables, order statistics, and MRL.
New Developments In Theory And Applications Of Statistics, Turkiye / An International Conference In Memory Of Moti Lal Tiku, METU, Turkey, May 2-4, 2011. (plenary Speaker)
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov.
(2011) On conditional independent random variables.
International Conference On Advances In Probability And Statistics, Hong Kong / International Conference On Advances In Probability And Statistics, Hong Kong
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov.
(2010) Order statistics from exchangeable random variables and their applications in reliability.
Ordered Statistical Data And Its Applications OSDA 2010, Egypt / Ordered Statistical Data And Its Applications OSDA 2010, Zagazig University, Egypt
0-0, ISBN:
- İ.Bairamov and S.Gürler.
(2009) Parallel and k-out-of-n: G systems with nonidentical components and their mean residual life functions.
International Copnference On Mathematical And Statistical Modeling / Applied Mathematical Modelling. International Copnference On Mathematical And Statistical Modeling
1116-1125, ISBN: 10.1016/j.apm.2008.0
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2009) Ordered Random Variables - Recent Developments.
14th International Congress On Computational And Applied Mathematics, Antalya / 14th International Congress On Computational And Applied Mathematics, Antalya
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov.
(2008) Waiting times for exceedances based on order statistics.
Conference On Ordered Statistical Data And Its Applications, Aachen University, Germany / OSDA 2008 Ordered Statistical Data And Its Applications, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov and H.Tanil.
(2007) On distributions of exceedances based on generalized order statistics.
International Conference On Ordered Statistical Data Izmir, TURKEY, JUN 15-18, 2005 / International Conference On Ordered Statistical Data Izmir, TURKEY, JUN 15-18, 2005
1479-1491, ISBN: 0361-0926
- I.Bairamov and T.Ozkal.
(2007) On characterization of distributions through the properties of conditional expectations of order statistics.
International Conference On Ordered Statistical Data Izmir, TURKEY, JUN 15-18, 2005 / International Conference On Ordered Statistical Data Izmir, TURKEY, JUN 15-18, 200
1319-1326, ISBN: 0361-0926
- I.Bayramoglu and S.Gurler.
(2006) On the Mean Residual Life Function of the k-out-of-n System with Nonidentical Components.
International Conference On Mathematical And Statistical Modeling In Honor Of Enrique Castillo (ICMSM 2006) / International Conference On Mathematical And Statistical Modeling In Honor Of Enrique Castillo (ICMSM 2006) , Suidad Real, Spain
0-0, ISBN:
Published in other conference proceedings
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2008) Sira istatistiklerine dayali rasgele bariyer modelleri.
VI. Istatistik Gunleri Sempozyumu, Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, Samsun / VI. Istatistik Gunleri Sempozyumu, Ondokuz Mayis Universitesi, Samsun
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov and M.Bekci.
(2006) Iki Boyutlu Marshall – Olkin Dagilimlari Icin Sira Istatistiklerinin Eslenikleri.
Istatistik Gunleri 2006 / Istatistik Gunleri 2006
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2003) On the bivariate binomial distribution and its extension.
3. İstatistik Kongresi, Antalya / 3. İstatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2003) Asan statistiklerin asimptotik özellikleri.
3. İstatistik Kongresi, Antalya / 3. İstatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2003) On a generalized Sarmanov bivariate distributions.
3. İstatistik Kongresi, Antalya / 3. İstatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi
0-0, ISBN:
- S.Eryilmaz and I.G.Bairamov.
(2002) On the distributions of the new sample rank of an order statistics and its concomitant.
Istatistik Gunleri 2002, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov and S.Eryilmaz.
(2002) Exceedances based on generalized order statistics.
Istatistik Gunleri 2002, Hacettepe Universitesi, Ankara
0-0, ISBN:
- S.Eryilmaz and I.G.Bairamov.
(2001) FGM sequences, Exceedances and Records.
2. Istatistik Kongresi, Antalya / 2. Istatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi
310-314, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov and S.Eryilmaz.
(2001) Characterization of symmetry of FGM sequences.
Characterization, Modeling And Applications, Antalya
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov and G.Arslan.
(2001) Asagi rekorlar ile iki dagilimin karakterizasyonu.
2. Istatistik Kongresi, Antalya / 2. Istatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi
196-199, ISBN:
- M.Bekci and I.G.Bairamov.
(2001) Çok degiskenli dagilimlarda rekor degerler.
2. Istatistik Kongresi, Antalya / 2. Istatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi
207-211, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , S.Eryilmaz and B.Yagci.
(2001) On a new Class of Archimedean Copulas.
2. Istatistik Kongresi, Antalya / 2. Istatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi
318-321, ISBN:
- S.Eryilmaz , I.G.Bairamov.
(2000) Distributional properties of statistics based on order statistics and record values.
Research Symposium 2000, Gazi University, Ankara
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov , S.Eryilmaz.
(1998) The finite and asymptotical distributions for statistics based on minimal spacing.
Research Symposium 98, State Institute Of Statistics, Ankara
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1996) Limit theorems for order statistics and record values.
Araştırma Sempozyumu 96, Ankara / Araştırma Sempozyumu 96. Program Ve Bildiriler.
3-3, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , M.F.Kaya.
(1994) Invaryant güven aralıklara dayalı parametrik olmayan hipotez testleri.
Araştırma Sempozyumu 95, Ankara / Araştırma Sempozyumu 95. Program Ve Bildiriler.
3-3, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , L.Ozbek.
(1994) Dağılımlarınn istatistiksel yakınık ölçüsüne dayalı yeni, tutarlı ve parametrik olmayan uyum iyiliği testi.
Araştırma Sempozyumu 94, Ankara / Araştırma Sempozyumu 94. Program Ve Bildiriler.
1-1, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , O.L.Gebizlioglu and M.F.Kaya.
(1994) Confidence of criteria based on invariant confidense intervals for testing composite hypothesis.
Araştırma Sempozyumu 95, Ankara / Araştırma Sempozyumu 95 . Program Ve Bildiriler.
83-87, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1993) The Statistical Distance Measure Of Distributions.
Araştırma Sempozyumu 93, Ankara / Araştırma Sempozyumu 93. Program Ve Bildiri Özetleri.
40-40, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1993) Statistical criteria based on training samples for the observation classification problem.
Ulusal Ekonometri Ve Istratistik Sempozyumu, İzmir / Ulusal Ekonometri Ve Istratistik Sempozyumu. Bildiriler.
30-36, ISBN:
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2015) Some models in reliability of complex systems..
ICAS / International Conference On Advances In Statistics. 28-30 April 2017, Helsinki, Finland.
62-63, ISBN:
- B.Ismihan.
(2015) Some models in reliability of complex systems..
International Conference On Advances In Statistics
62-63, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov.
(2014) Bivariate Order Statistics. New Developments and Applications.
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bayramoglu.
(2013) Marshall-Olkin type distribution with effect of shock magnitude.
Internation Marshall-Olkin Conference, Bologna, Italy / Internation Marshall-Olkin Conference, Bologna, Italy
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov.
(2007) Asymptotic Distributions of Progressive Type II Cencored Order Statistics.
International Conference On Ordered Statistical Data And Inequalities: Theory & Applications, University Of Jordan, Amman / International Conference On Ordered Statistical Data And Inequalities: Theory & Applications. University Of Jordan, Amman
0-0, ISBN:
- I.Bairamov , H.Tanil.
(2005) Exceedances based on the generalized order statistics.
Rdered Statistical Data. Approximations, Bounds And Applications, Izmir
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , T.Ozkal.
(2004) On the joint distributions of nonadjacent Progressively Type II censored order statistics.
Ordered Statistical Data. Approximations, Bounds And Applications, Warsaw, Poland
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2003) Exceedance statistics based on ordered random variables.
Characterizations And Bounds For Ordered Statistical Data
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2003) On exceedances based on ordered random variables.
Ordered Statistical Data. Approximations, Bounds And Applications, Warsaw, Poland
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2002) Bivariate binomial type distributions and their applications.
Seminars Of Order Statistics And Record Values, McMaster University, Canada
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2002) Random intervals based on order statistics and records.
Seminars Of Order Statistics And Record Values, McMaster University, Canada
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , A.Tercan.
(2000) Mean residual life function.
Statistical Conference 2000, Gazi University, Ankara / Procedings Of Statistical Conference 2000
107-117, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(2000) Characterization of distributions.
Statistical Conference 2000, Gazmş University, Ankara / Procedings Of Statistical Conference 2000
3-19, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , S.Eryilmaz.
(1999) Distributional properties of statistics based on minimal spacing and record exceedance statistics.
International Conference On Applied Statistical Science, USA
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , M.Ahsanullah.
(1999) Characterization of distributions through the properties of spacings.
International Conference On Applied Statistical Science, Rider University, USA
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , Y.Akdi.
(1998) Distribution of record times for random walk processes.
Statistical Conference 1998, Gazi University, Ankara / Procedincs Of Statistical Conference 1998
3-12, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , O.L.Gebizlioglu.
(1998) Assymptotic distributions of statistics based on order statistics and record values.
International Conference 'Assymptotical Methods In Probability And Statistics, St.Petersburg.
0-0, ISBN:
- O.L.Gebizlioglu , I.G.Bairamov and Y.Akdi.
(1997) Stochastic modelling of index series as a merging or mixing process.
Bulletin Of The International Statistical Institute / Bulletin Of The International Statistical Institute. 51 Th Session, Book 1
167-170, ISBN:
- O.L.Gebizlioglu , I.G.Bairamov.
(1997) A discussion on analysis of random points and shapes.
Bulletin Of The International Statistical Institute / Bulletin Of The International Statistical Institute. Session 51, Tome LVII, Book 3
334-335, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , O.L.Gebizlioglu.
(1997) Some limit theorems for record values of water related processes.
Water And Statistics. ISI Sattelite Meeting. / Water And Statistics. ISI Sattelite Meeting.
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1997) Test based on training samples for the classification observation problem.
Second Math. Mod., Vien, Austria / Procedings Of Second Math. Mod.
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1993) On invariant statistical criteria based on training samples.
The 3-rd Turkish -Azerbaijan Mathematics Simposium, Trabzon / The 3-rd Turkish -Azerbaijan Mathematics Simposium
35-37, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1992) Invariant statistik kriteriler.
The 2-nd Turkish -Azerbaijcan Mathematics Simposium, Baku
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov , Y.I.Petunin.
(1990) Order statistical test based on training Samples.
Statistical Decision Functions And Processes, Praque / Mat. Of The 11 Th Praque Conference On Information Theory
0-0, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1984) The boundary for expextes of order statistics expressed by quantil of distribution.
All-Republic Conference Of Young Scientist, Baku / Mat. Of All-Republic Conference Of Young Scientist
39-40, ISBN:
- I.G.Bairamov.
(1984) Nonparametric Confidence Intervals for order statistics from continuous distribution.
5 Th Respublication Conference Of Young Scientists Of Matematics And Mechanics, Baku / Mat. Of 5 Th Respublication Conference Of Young Scientists Of Matematics And Mechanics
65-67, ISBN: