Asst. Prof. İzzet Murat Akşit
Faculty of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Asst. Prof. İzzet Murat Akşit
Faculty of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI
- J.Moss and I.Aksit.
(2007) ; Modelling Soot Formation in a Laminar Diffusion Flame Burning a Surrogate Kerosene Fuel.
Proc.Combust.Inst , No. 31,
- I.Aksit and J.Moss.
(2006) A Hybrid Scalar Model for Sooting Turbulent Flames.
Combustion And Flame , No. 145,
- I.Aksit and J.Moss.
(2005) Model Fuels to Reproduce the Sooting Behaviour of Aviation Kerosene.
Journal Of Fuel , No. 84,