Asst. Prof. Kaan KURTEL
Faculty of Engineering
Software Engineering
Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Asst. Prof. Kaan KURTEL
Faculty of Engineering
Software Engineering
Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Coordinator, Izmir University of Economics
Participant in projects supported by international organizations
- B2B Projesi (Vocational Certified Training on Business to Business Operations)
(2010-2011) LEONARDO DA VINCI - Avrupa Birliği Projesi
- Engage Trainers in Learning Modules and Material Creation – E MODE”, (project number: 142008-LLP-1-2008-1-GR-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
(2009-2010) EU
Participant in projects supported by national organizations such as TUBITAK, DPT
- İlker Teknik Consulting Project
(2021-2022) KOSGEB
- Nereye Atayım Atık Saha Bilgi Yönetim Sistemi Projesi Yazılım Geliştirme Sürecinin İyileştirilmesi için Öneriler
(2021-2022) İLKER TEKNİK
- Sensor-Based Veterinarian Diagnosis Support Software: VET-DEY. PN: 1919B011402522.
(2014-2015) TÜBİTAK 2209A - Undergraduate Scholarship Programme For National Students
- Architecture, Design and Implementation of Context Aware Service Platform. PN: 114E938.
(2014-2015) 3001-Starting R&D Projects Funding Program
- New Generation City Solutions (PROKENT) (project number: 7130563)
(2013-2014) TUBITAK 1507 -R&D Funding Program