Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • M.Ç.Uludağlı and K.Oğuz.
    (2024) From attributes to communities: A novel approach in social network generation.
    PeerJ Computer Science , Vol. 10, No. e2438, ISBN: 2376-5992
  • M.Ç.Uludağlı and K.Oğuz.
    (2023) Non-player character decision-making in computer games.
    Artificial Intelligence Review , Vol. 56, No. 12, 14159-14191, ISBN: 1573-7462
  • H.Yildirim-Celik , S.Eroğlu , K.Oğuz , G.Karakoc-Tugrul , Y.Erdoğan , D.Isman-Haznedaroglu , Ç.Eker and A.S.Gönüş.
    (2022) Emotional context effect on recognition of varying facial emotion expression intensities in depression.
    Journal Of Affective Disorders , Vol. 308, 141-146,
  • O.Doluca , K.Oğuz.
    (2021) APAL: Adjacency Propagation Algorithm for Overlapping Community Detection in Biological Networks.
    Information Sciences , Vol. 579, 574-590,
  • K.Oğuz , A.Bor.
    (2021) Prediction of Local Scour around Bridge Piers Using Hierarchical Clustering and Adaptive Genetic Programming.
    Applied Artificial Intelligence ,
  • M.B.Akçay , K.Oğuz.
    (2020) Speech Emotion Recognition: Emotional Models, Databases, Features, Preprocessing Methods, Supporting Modalities, and Classifiers.
    Speech Communication , Vol. 116, 56-76,
  • K.Oğuz.
    (2020) True Scores for Tartarus with Adaptive GAs that Evolve FSMs on GPU .
    Information Sciences , Vol. 525, 1-15, ISBN: 0020-0255
  • D.Oguz , K.Oguz.
    (2019) Perspectives on the Gap Between the Software Industry and the Software Engineering Education.
    IEEE Access , Vol. 7, No. 1, ISBN: 2169-3536
  • A.Pekcanlar Akay , G.Çapa Kaya , S.Kose , Ç.Eresen Yazıcıoğlu , H.Özek Erkuran , S.Alşen Güney , K.Oğuz , D.Keskin , B.Baykara , N.İnal Emiroğlu , M.Şencan Eren , S.Kızıldağ , T.Ertay , D.Özsoylu , S.Miral , H.Durak , A.S.Gönül and L.A.Rohde.
    (2018) Genetic imaging study with Tc-99m TRODAT-1 SPECT in adolescents with ADHD using OROS-methylphenidate.
    Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry , Vol. 86, 294-300,
  • F.Simsek , K.Oguz , O.Kitis , S.T.Akan , M.J.Kempton , A.S.Gonul.
    (2017) Neural activation during cognitive reappraisal in girls at high risk for depression.
    Progress In Neuro-Psychopharmacology And Biological Psychiatry , Vol. 77, 49-56, ISBN: 0278-5846
  • M.M.Bilgi , S.Taspinar , B.Aksoy , K.Oguz , K.Coburn , A.S.Gönül.
    (2017) The relationship between childhood trauma, emotion recognition, and irritability in schizophrenia patients.
    Psychiatry Research , Vol. 251, 90-97,
  • K.Oguz , M.G.Cinsdikici , A.S.Gonul.
    (2017) Robust activation detection methods for real-time and offline fMRI analysis.
    Computer Methods And Programs In Biomedicine , Vol. 144, 1-11, ISBN: 0169-2607
  • U.Bıyık , D.Keskin , K.Oğuz , F.Akdeniz , A.S.Gönül.
    (2015) Facial emotion recognition in remitted depressed women.
    Asian Journal Of Psychiatry , Vol. 17, 111-113, ISBN: 1876-2018
  • Z.Akusta Dağdeviren , K.Oğuz , M.Cinsdikici.
    (2014) Three techniques for automatic extraction of corpus callosum in structural midsagittal brain MR images: Valley Matching, Evolutionary Corpus Callosum Detection and Hybrid method.
    Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence , Vol. 31, 101-115, ISBN: 0952-1976
  • F.Şimşek , K.Oğuz , Ş.T.Akan , D.H.Isman , D.Açıkel , Ö.Kitiş , Ş.Çetinkalp , Ç.Eker , K.Coburn , A.S.Gönül.
    (2013) Neural correlates of emotion regulation response to negative stimuli in young women at high risk for depression.
  • O.Kitis , O.Ozalay , E.B.Zengin , D.Haznedaroglu , M.C.Eker , D.Yalvac , K.Oguz , K.Coburn , A.S.Gonul.
    (2012) Reduced left uncinate fasciculus fractional anisotropy in deficit schizophrenia but not in non-deficit schizophrenia..
    Psychiatry And Clinical Neurosciences , ISBN: 1440-1819

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • C.Candemir , K.Oğuz.
    (2022) Change Point Detection Methods for Locating Activations in Functional Neuronal Images.
    Bilecik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi , Vol. 9, No. 1, 541-554,
  • K.Oğuz.
    (2021) Estimating the difficulty of Tartarus instances.
    Pamukkale University Journal Of Engineering Sciences , Vol. 27, No. 2, 114-121, ISBN: 2147-5881
  • M.Tepekule , M.A.Sakarya , R.Diriman , K.Oğuz , G.Kardaş.
    (2021) Mobil Oyun Yazılım Süreçlerinde Canlandırma Kütüphaneleri Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesi.
    Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri Ve Mühendisliği Dergisi , Vol. 14, No. 2, 146-157, ISBN: 1305-8991
  • K.Oğuz.
    (2010) Bilgisayar Oyunlarında Kalabalıkların Hızlı Çizimi.
    Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi (A Uygulamalı Bilimler Ve Mühendislik) , Vol. 11, No. 1, 23-33, ISBN: 2146-0205
  • M.B.Temuçin , İ.Kocabaş , K.Oğuz.
    (2020) Using Cellular Automata as a Basis for Procedural Generation of Organic Cities.
    European Journal Of Engineering And Technology Research , Vol. 5, No. 12, 116-120,
  • M.S.Unluturk , K.Oguz , C.Atay.
    (2009) A Comparison of Neural Networks for Real-Time Emotion Recognition from Speech Signals.
    WSEAS Transactions On Signal Processing , Vol. 5, No. 3, 116-125, ISBN: 1790-5022

Published or accepted to be published in refereed journals

  • G.Varinlioğlu , K.Oğuz , D.Türkmen.
    (2021) Sanat Kolektiflerinin Sanal Ortamda Keşfi: Dijital Darağaç.
    Yaratıcı Ekonomi Dergisi ,