Manager/Director in projects supported by international organizations such as AB, BM, NATO, etc.

    (2017-2018) EU Horizon 2020
  • Localization of Sustainable Energy for All: Business Opportunities Report
    (2013-2014) UN Global Compact Turkey

Manager or Director in projects supported by national organizations such as TUBITAK, DPT

  • Establishing a Sustainable, Competitive and Lİberal Natural Gar Market in Turkey: Private Sector's View
    (2017-2018) TOBB Turkey Natural Gas Assembly
  • Energy Security Perception of Industrial Organizations of Turkey
    (2013-2014) Izmir University of Economics SRP Office
  • Solar Energy Inventory and Potential Investment Opportunities in Ankara
    (2011-2012) Ankara Development Agency and Ankara Chamber of Industry
  • The Clustering Potential in Renewable Energy Prospects in Ankara
    (2011-2012) Ankara Development Agency and Ankara Chamber of Industry