International book chapters

  • T.Keskin , M.Güngörmüşler , B.Bayar and H.N.Abubackar.
    Biohydrogen production by biological water-gas shift reaction and bioelectrochemical systems.
    K. Shadangi , P.Sarangi , K.Mohanty and I.Deniz.
    Bioenergy Engineering Fundamentals, Methods, Modelling, and Applications.
    (2023), Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier, Vol. 1, ISBN: 9780323983631
  • M.Gungormusler , N.Azbar.
    Biopolymers: Novel Bioprocess Configuration For 1,3-propanediol (1,3-pdo) Production..
    No. 12, 520-538
    J.N.Govil , S.Sinha.
    (2014), Studium Press, Vol. 12, ISBN: 1-62699-027-1