Prof. Muhittin Hakan DEMİR
Faculty of Business
Logistics Management
Vice Dean, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Scientific Working Group Member, 11th Transportation Congress, Ministry of Transportation
Faculty Board Member, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Prof. Muhittin Hakan DEMİR
Faculty of Business
Logistics Management
Vice Dean, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Scientific Working Group Member, 11th Transportation Congress, Ministry of Transportation
Faculty Board Member, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Author, Editor and Interpreter of National Books
- H.Kubilay , T.Baltacıoglu , D.A.Deveci , O.Yurt , F.Kasapoglu , M.H.Demir , B.Oflac and S.Tokcaer T.I.Izmir Chamber of Commerce.
(2014) Ithalat ve Ihracat Sürecinde Limanlarda Saglanan Lojistik Hizmetlerinin, Ilgili Masraflarin ve Kazançlarin Yasal Dayanaklari Ile Vergilendirme Usullerinin Incelenmesi ve Degerlendirilmesi (Analysis of Logistics Services in International Trade).
Author, Editor and Interpreter of International Books
- B.Adivar , H.M.Demir , T.Baltacioglu .
(2010) Logistics and Supply Chain Management Projects.
VDM Verlag , Vol. 1, No. 2, ISBN: 9783639240481