Prof. Muhittin Hakan DEMİR
Faculty of Business
Logistics Management
Vice Dean, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Scientific Working Group Member, 11th Transportation Congress, Ministry of Transportation
Faculty Board Member, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Prof. Muhittin Hakan DEMİR
Faculty of Business
Logistics Management
Vice Dean, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Scientific Working Group Member, 11th Transportation Congress, Ministry of Transportation
Faculty Board Member, İzmir University of Economics, Faculty of Business
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI
- R.Kian , G.Erdoğan , S.De Leeuw , F.S.Salman , E.Sabet , B.Kara and M.H.Demir.
(2021) Logistics planning of cash transfer to Syrian refugees in Turkey.
European Journal Of Operational Research ,
- S.Sæther , A.Berntsen , J.Røyrvik , M.E. Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir .
(2021) The Significance of Enabling Human Consideration in Policymaking: How to Get the E-ferry That You Want.
Frontiers In Psychology ,
- M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H. Demir .
(2021) Understanding the Factors Affecting Sustainable Energy Action Plan of a Municipality: A Case Study from Aegean Region of Turkey.
Frontiers In Psychology , Vol. 12, 1591-1591,
- M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , B.Solak , A.Kayacan , S.Altıncı.
(2020) Investigating the Trends in Arctic Research: The Increasing Role of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Science Of The Total Environment (Accepted For Publication) ,
- L.Tiberio , E.De Gregorio , M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , A.Panno , G.Carrus .
(2020) Psychological processes and institutional actors in the sustainable energy transition: A case-study analysis of a local community in Italy.
Frontiers In Psychology ,
- M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , M.D.Kaplan , B.Solak.
(2020) Individuals, collectives, and energy transition: Analysing the motivators and barriers of European decarbonisation.
Energy Research & Social Science , Vol. 66,
- M.E.Biresselioglu , M.D.Demir , A.Rashid , B.Solak , E.Ozyorulmaz.
(2019) What are the preferences of household energy use in Pakistan?: Findings from a national survey.
Energy And Buildings , Vol. 205,
- M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , A.Gonca , O.Kolcu , A.Yetim.
(2019) How vulnerable are countries to resource curse?: A multidimensional assessment.
- M.E.Biresselioglu , M.Nilsen , M.H.Demir , J.Royrvik , G.Koksvik.
(2018) Examining the barriers and motivators affecting European decision-makers in the development of smart and green energy technologies.
- M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , U.Turan.
(2018) Trinity on thin ice: Integrating three perspectives on the European Unions likelihood of achieving energy and climate targets.
- M.E.Biresselioglu , C.Yildirim , M.H.Demir , S.Tokcaer.
(2017) Establishing an energy security framework for a fast-growing economy: Industry perspectives from Turkey.
Energy Research & Social Science , Vol. 27, 151-162, ISBN: 2214-6296
- M.E.Biresselioğlu , M.H.Demir , E.Özyorulmaz.
(2014) The Rationale behind Turkey’s High Gasoline Prices.
Energy And Environment , Vol. 25, No. 8, 1359-1379,
- M.E.Biresselioğlu , M.H.Demir , C.Kandemir.
(2012) Modelling Turkey’s Future LNG Supply Security Strategy.
Energy Policy , Vol. 46, No. 07/2012, 144-152, ISBN: 0301-4215
- M.H.Demir , B.C.Tansel , G.F.Scheuenstuhl.
(2005) Tree network 1-median location with interval data: a parameter space-based approcach .
IIE TRANSACTIONS , Vol. 37, No. 5, 429-439, ISBN: 0740-817X
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes
- M.E.Biresselioğlu , M.H.Demir , S.Dönmez.
(2014) Danish Straits versus Turkish Straits: The Potential Impact of Prospective Russian Oil Exports.
The Romanian Journal For Baltic And Nordic Studies , Vol. 6, No. 2, 265-285,
- M.H.Demir , A.Göçer.
(2011) Assess your business model strategy to sustain.
Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. , Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-9,
- A.Göçer , Ö.Y.Saatçioğlu , M.H.Demir , O.Tuna , T.Baltacıoğlu , E.Adalı.
(2011) Achieving sustainable learning through erp based supply chain in vitro laboratory .
Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences , Vol. 28, 164-173,