Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • R.Kian , G.Erdoğan , S.De Leeuw , F.S.Salman , E.Sabet , B.Kara and M.H.Demir.
    (2021) Logistics planning of cash transfer to Syrian refugees in Turkey.
    European Journal Of Operational Research ,
  • S.Sæther , A.Berntsen , J.Røyrvik , M.E. Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir .
    (2021) The Significance of Enabling Human Consideration in Policymaking: How to Get the E-ferry That You Want.
    Frontiers In Psychology ,
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H. Demir .
    (2021) Understanding the Factors Affecting Sustainable Energy Action Plan of a Municipality: A Case Study from Aegean Region of Turkey.
    Frontiers In Psychology , Vol. 12, 1591-1591,
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , B.Solak , A.Kayacan , S.Altıncı.
    (2020) Investigating the Trends in Arctic Research: The Increasing Role of Social Sciences and Humanities.
    Science Of The Total Environment (Accepted For Publication) ,
  • L.Tiberio , E.De Gregorio , M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , A.Panno , G.Carrus .
    (2020) Psychological processes and institutional actors in the sustainable energy transition: A case-study analysis of a local community in Italy.
    Frontiers In Psychology ,
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , M.D.Kaplan , B.Solak.
    (2020) Individuals, collectives, and energy transition: Analysing the motivators and barriers of European decarbonisation.
    Energy Research & Social Science , Vol. 66,
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , M.D.Demir , A.Rashid , B.Solak , E.Ozyorulmaz.
    (2019) What are the preferences of household energy use in Pakistan?: Findings from a national survey.
    Energy And Buildings , Vol. 205,
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , A.Gonca , O.Kolcu , A.Yetim.
    (2019) How vulnerable are countries to resource curse?: A multidimensional assessment.
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , M.Nilsen , M.H.Demir , J.Royrvik , G.Koksvik.
    (2018) Examining the barriers and motivators affecting European decision-makers in the development of smart and green energy technologies.
    JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION , Vol. 198, 417-429,
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , M.H.Demir , U.Turan.
    (2018) Trinity on thin ice: Integrating three perspectives on the European Unions likelihood of achieving energy and climate targets.
    ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE , Vol. 42, 247-257,
  • M.E.Biresselioglu , C.Yildirim , M.H.Demir , S.Tokcaer.
    (2017) Establishing an energy security framework for a fast-growing economy: Industry perspectives from Turkey.
    Energy Research & Social Science , Vol. 27, 151-162, ISBN: 2214-6296
  • M.E.Biresselioğlu , M.H.Demir , E.Özyorulmaz.
    (2014) The Rationale behind Turkey’s High Gasoline Prices.
    Energy And Environment , Vol. 25, No. 8, 1359-1379,
  • M.E.Biresselioğlu , M.H.Demir , C.Kandemir.
    (2012) Modelling Turkey’s Future LNG Supply Security Strategy.
    Energy Policy , Vol. 46, No. 07/2012, 144-152, ISBN: 0301-4215
  • M.H.Demir , B.C.Tansel , G.F.Scheuenstuhl.
    (2005) Tree network 1-median location with interval data: a parameter space-based approcach .
    IIE TRANSACTIONS , Vol. 37, No. 5, 429-439, ISBN: 0740-817X

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • M.E.Biresselioğlu , M.H.Demir , S.Dönmez.
    (2014) Danish Straits versus Turkish Straits: The Potential Impact of Prospective Russian Oil Exports.
    The Romanian Journal For Baltic And Nordic Studies , Vol. 6, No. 2, 265-285,
  • M.H.Demir , A.Göçer.
    (2011) Assess your business model strategy to sustain.
    Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. , Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-9,
  • A.Göçer , Ö.Y.Saatçioğlu , M.H.Demir , O.Tuna , T.Baltacıoğlu , E.Adalı.
    (2011) Achieving sustainable learning through erp based supply chain in vitro laboratory .
    Procedia - Social And Behavioral Sciences , Vol. 28, 164-173,