
  • A logical perspective to the linguistic reflections of prejudice and derogation in TBMM"
    (2010-2011) Ghent,Belgium - University College Ghent


  • Non-cognitive loads in diplomatic interpreting
    (2020-2021) Katip Çelebi University (zoom) - International Relations Department
  • (Im)precision in diplomatic interpreting
    (2020-2021) Dokuz Eylül University
  • Diplomatic text translation
    (2020-2021) zoom meeting
  • Translator/Interpreter roles in diplomacy
    (2020-2021) TRT Radio1 - TRT
  • Diplomatic correspondences
    (2018-2019) Katip Çelebi University - International Relations Dept.
  • Translation and Diplomacy
    (2016-2017) İstanbul University,Amfi 11 - Edebiyat Fakültesi,Çeviribilim Bölümü
  • Translation and Diplomacy
    (2016-2017) C Block, conference Hall Tınaztepe Campus - Translation Community
  • Institutional/community Interpreting
    (2013-2014) M403 - Translation-Interpretation Dept-IEU
  • Political Discourse and Translation/Interpreting
    (2013-2014) İstanbul University, Hall D1 - Department of Translation Studies
  • Being translator/interpreter in the state/private sector
    (2011-2012) Bornova,İzmir - Ege University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Translation and Interpreting
  • Subtitled Translation
    (2010-2011) Buca, İzmir - Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Letters, Dept.Translation and Interpreting
  • 1 poem,7 strategies
    (2009-2010) Karşıyaka - Karşıyaka Municipality