Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • B.Tan and O.Karabağ.
    (2024) A deterministic fluid model for production and energy mode control of a single machine.
    International Journal Of Production Economics , Vol. 109418, No. 278, 1-14,
  • O.Karabag , Ö.Bulut , Ö.Toy and M.Fadıloğlu.
    (2024) An efficient procedure for optimal maintenance intervention in partially observable multi-component systems.
    Reliability Engineering & System Safety , Vol. 244, 1-11,
  • A.S.Eruguz , O.Karabag , E.Tetteroo , C.Van Heijst , W.Van den Heuvel and R.Dekker.
    (2024) Customer-to-customer returns logistics: Can it mitigate the negative impact of online returns?.
    Omega-International Journal Of Management Science , Vol. 128, 1-18, ISBN: 0305-0483
  • B.Tan , O.Karabağ , S.Khayyati.
    (2023) Energy-efficient production control of a make-to-stock system with buffer-and time-based policies.
    International Journal Of Production Research , 1-19,

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • O.Karabağ.
    (2024) Kısmi gözlemlenebilir çok bileşenli sistemler için bakım politikalarının pekiştirmeli derin öğrenme yöntemleri ile belirlenmesi.
    Pamukkale Univ Muh Bilim Derg. , 1-14,
  • B.Kaya , O.Karabag , F.R.Çekiç , B.C.Torun , A.Ö.Başar , Z.E.Işıklı and Ç.Çakır.
    (2024) Inventory Management Optimization for Intermittent Demand.
    Lecture Notes In Mechanical Engineering , 768-782, ISBN: 978-303153990-9
  • B.Kaya , O.Karabag , M.Fadıloglu.
    (2024) Maintenance Decision and Spare Part Selection for Multi-component System.
    Lecture Notes In Mechanical Engineering , 443-453, ISBN: 978-303153990-9