Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • O.N.Şahin and M.İ.C.Dede.
    (2022) Model-based detection and isolation of the wheel slippage and actuator faults of a holonomic mobile robot.
    Industrial Robot: The International Journal Of Robotics Research And Application , Vol. 49, No. 6, 1202-1217,
  • O.N.Şahin and M.İ.C.Dede.
    (2021) Investigation of Longitudinal Friction Characteristics of an Omni-Directional Wheel via LuGre Model.
  • O.N.Şahin , E.Uzunoğlu , E.Tatlıcıoğlu and M.İ.C.Dede.
    (2017) Design and Development of an Educational Desktop Robot R3D.