Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • R.Politi and S.Tanyel.
    (2025) Developing a Sustainable Traffic Management Framework Using Machine Learning Models for Fuel Consumption Minimization at Closely Spaced Intersections.
    Sustainability , Vol. 17(3), No. 1267,
  • Y.Özinal Avşar , Z.B.Yıldırım , R.R.Politi and S.Tanyel.
    (2024) Investigation of the effect of geometric irregularities on capacity of traffic circles by using partial least squares regression method.
    Canadian Journal Of Civil Engineering , Vol. 51, No. 12,
  • A.Pala , R.Politi , G.Kurşun , M.Erol , F.Bakal , G.Öner and E.Çelik.
    (2015) Photocatalytic Degradation of Cyanide in Wastewater Using New Generated Nano-Thin Film Photocatalyst.
    Surface And Coatings Technology , No. 271,

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • A.Pala , R.Politi , G.Öner , G.Kurşun , F.Bakal , Ö.Canpolat and E.Çelik.
    (2015) Nanocoating Thin Film Applications on Water Treatment.
    Materials Today: Proceedings , Vol. 2, No. 1,