Published in CPCI-S or CPCI-SSH indexed conference proceedings

  • S.Y.Sen , O.K.Cura and A.Akan.
    (2024) Alzheimer's dementia detection: An optimized approach using ITD of EEG signals.
    32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
    1-5, ISBN:
  • S.Y.Sen , O.Karabiber Cura and A.Akan.
    (2023) Detection of Alzheimer's Dementia using Intrinsic Time-Scale decomposition of EEG signals and deep learning.
    9th International Conference On Control, Decision And Information Technologies (CoDIT)
    1-6, ISBN:
  • S.Y.Sen , O.Karabiber Cura and A.Akan.
    (2023) Classification of dementia EEG signals by using time-frequency images for deep learning.
    Innovations In Intelligent Systems And Applications Conference (ASYU)
    1-6, ISBN:
  • O.Karabiber Cura , S.Kocaaslan Atli , S.Y.Sen and A.Akan.
    (2023) Classification of ADHD by using multiple feature maps of EEG signals and deep feature extraction.
    31st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)
    1065-1069, ISBN:
  • S.Y.Sen , N.Ozkurt.
    (2020) Convolutional neural network hyperparameter tuning with Adam optimizer for ECG classification.
    Innovations In Intelligent Systems And Applications Conference (ASYU)
    1-6, ISBN:
  • H.Donmez , S.Y.Sen , N.Orta , A.Aylanc and I.Zincir.
    (2019) A novel face identification implementation for class attendance monitoring.
    Innovations In Intelligent Systems And Applications Conference (ASYU)
    1-4, ISBN:
  • S.Y.Sen , N.Ozkurt.
    (2019) ECG arrhythmia classification by using convolutional neural network and spectrogram.
    Innovations In Intelligent Systems And Applications Conference (ASYU)
    1-6, ISBN: