Prof. Şeniz Ertuğrul
Faculty of Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Prof. Şeniz Ertuğrul
Faculty of Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Participant in projects supported by national organizations such as TUBITAK, DPT
- Çimento Prosesi için Servislerin İnterneti (IoS) Tabanlı Sistem Denetleyicinin ve Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT) Tabanlı Cihaz Sağlık İzleyici Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi
(2018-2019) TEYDEB
- Nitelikli Çeliklerin Özel Mukavemet Değerlerinde ve Taşlama Toleranslarında Üretimini Ülkemizde Gerçekleştirebilmek için Sistemin Doğrusal ve Doğrusal Olmayan Akıllı Metotlar Kullanılarak Modellenmesi
(2017-2018) TUBITAK-TEYDEB
- Object Detection Using a Compliant Robotic Arm and Self-Learning
(2016-2017) I.T.U. Ph.D. Research Funds
- Design of Automatic Trim Control System for High Speed Boats
(2015-2016) TUBITAK-TEYDEB
- Dynamic Analysis and Optimization of Mechanical Design for a 6 DOF Humanoid Robot Arm
(2015-2016) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Dynamic Analysis and Simulation of a 6 DOF Humanoid Robot Arm
(2015-2016) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Design of Ship Hydroulic Roll Reduction System
(2014-2015) TUBITAK-TEYDEB
- Learning by Human Skill Transfer for Humanoid Robots
(2014-2015) I.T.U. Ph.D. Research Funds
- Humanoid Robot Control Using Robot Operating System (ROS)
(2014-2015) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Modeling and Controller Design for Cement Grinding Process
(2013-2014) SANTEZ (University-Industry Collaboration Grant Programme), Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology
- Position and Speed Control of Shape Memory Alloys for Usage as Actuators
(2013-2014) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Design of Roll Reduction Fin Controller
(2010-2011) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Measurement and Transmitting of Vital Body Signs Using Wearable Sensors
(2006-2007) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Industrial Applications of Advanced Control Techniques Using PLC Advisor
(2006-2007) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Modeling of Human Operators Using a Man-Machine Experiment
(2006-2007) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Driver Modeling for Automatic Gear Selection
(2004-2005) Ford-Otosan Corp./ITU
- Fault Detection of Knitted Fabrics Using Image Processing
(2004-2005) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Estimation of Fuzz Fibers Using Neural Networks
(2003-2004) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Modeling Human Operator Actions Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy System Based on a Man-Machine Interaction Computer Experiment
(2002-2003) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Scientific Research and Development in System Dynamics, Control and Mechanical Measurements
(2001-2002) I.T.U. Research Funds
- Intelligent Systems and Applications to Various Mechanical Systems
(2001-2002) I.T.U. Research Funds