Restless Designs: Campana Brother; XXI magazine , June 13 - (2012-2013) ,“ Exhibition Review of Brezilian designers Fernando and Humberto Campana's furniture design exhibition to gether with Dilek Himam which they opened in Muse des Arts Decoratifs in Paris in February 2013” |
Design for all/All in One:Supervision of International Design Workshop: Yahşibey Workshops .Emre Senan Design Foundation - (2011-2012) ,“ Quest for design in the intersection of Fashion and Architecture” |
Workshop participation. Invited participant for Bursa Fashion Academy Workshop.Uludağ Exporters Union. June 2011 - (2011-2012) |
Izmir Design Forum Participation as a supervision of Workshop in Fashion Design. Izmir Municipality. May2011 - (2011-2012) |
Reviewing and Chairing in the Conference .II. Agrindustrial Design, Product and Service Design Congress and Exhibition o - (2011-2012) |
Reviewer. UTIB International Research & Development Market in Turkish and Textile Sector, February 2012 - (2011-2012) |
Chairing in Fashion Tales 2012 Conference , Milano Moda Cult, 7-9 June - (2011-2012) |
Reference to personal design works in the national press: Interview with designer - (2011-2012) ,“ Interview with Zeynep Acar on Down2Earth: Transformation in Fashion” |
Reference on designer's exhibition in national press - (2011-2012) |
Graduation show. Fashion Show, Exhibition , Catalogue - (2010-2011) ,“ DOĞU'M, Eastern Birth” |
Türk Tasarım Konseyi Çalıştayına Katılım - (2010-2011) ,“ Tasarım Strateji Belgesi ve Eylem Planı” |
Graduation Show: Fashion Show & Exhibition, Catalogue - (2009-2010) ,“ Re-generation” |
Design Universe of Huseyin Caglayan: 1994-2010; - (2009-2010) ,“ An exhibition review of fashion artist Huseyin Caglayan's exhibition held in İstanbul Modern Museum in September 2010” |
Grad show: Fashion show and Exhibition - (2008-2009) ,“ In the search of ” |
Graduation Fashion Show, Organization - (2007-2008) ,“ " Sense The Future "” |
Fashion Show presented to Prince Charles - (2007-2008) ,“ "Dress Against Disaster" ” |
Fashion show in Fashionizm, contribution - (2007-2008) ,“ Fashion and Cinema ” |