Prof. Tahsin ÖNER
( Part-Time Lecturer )
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Prof. Tahsin ÖNER
( Part-Time Lecturer )
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Referenced in publications covered by other indexes
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2010-2011)
Rules Admissible in Transitive Temporal Logic TS4, Sufficient Condition - Theoretical Computer Science, Volume: 411, Issue: 50, Pages: 4323-4332, 2010
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
T. Oner T , de Jongh D , (2009-2010)
The Structure of Rigid Frames of Depth 3 Only - 7th International Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language, and Computation (TbiLLC 2007), OCT 01-05, 2007, Tbilisi, GA.
Cited :
The Structure of Rigid Frames of Restricted Depth - Bulletin of the Section of Logic, Volume 27, Number 4, pp. 172-181, 1998
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2009-2010)
Linear Temporal Logic LTLK extended by Multi-Agent Logic K-n with Interacting Agents - Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume: 19, Issue: 6, Pages: 989-1017, 2009
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2008-2009)
Linear temporal logic with until and next, logical consecutions - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume: 155, Issue: 1, Pages: 32-45, 2008
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2008-2009)
Multi-modal and temporal logics with universal formula - Reduction of admissibility to validity and unification - Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume: 18, Issue: 4, Pages: 509-519, 2008
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2008-2009)
Multi-agent logics with interacting agents based on linear temporal logic: Deciding algorithm - Aartificial Intelligence and Soft Computing - ICAISC 2008, Proceeding, Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Volume: 5097, Pages: 1243-1253, 2008.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
S. Babenyshev S , V. V. Rybakov , (2008-2009)
Decidability of hybrid logic with local common knowledge based on linear temporal logic LTL - LOGIC AND THEORY OF ALGORITHMS, Book Series: Lecture notes in Computer Science, Volume: 5028, Pages: 32-41, 2008.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2008-2009)
Branching time logics BT L-N,N-1(U,S)(Z)(alpha) with operations Until and Since based on bundles of integer numbers, logical consecutions, deciding algorithms - Theory of Computing Systems, Volume: 43, Issue: 2, Pages: 254-271, 2008.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999.
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2007-2008)
Until-since temporal logic based on parallel time with common past. Deciding algorithms - Conference Information: International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS 2007), JUN 04-07, 2007 CUNY, New York, NY.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2007-2008)
Decidability w.r.t. logical consecutions of linear temporal logic extended by since and previous - Fundamental Informatica, Volume: 81, Issue: 1-3, Pages: 297-313, 2007.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2006-2007)
Linear temporal logic with until and before on integer numbers, deciding algorithms - Conference Information: International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2006), JUN 08-12, 2006 Steklov Inst Math, St Petersburg, RUSSIA.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2006-2007)
Intransitive linear temporal logic based on integer numbers, decidability, admissible logical consecutions - Conference Information: 9th Asian Logic Conference, AUG 16-19, 2005 Novosibirsk, Russia. Source: Mathematical Logic in Asia, Pages: 233-253, 2006.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
MI Golovanov , Kosheleva AV and Rybakov, V. V. , (2005-2006)
Logic of visibility, perception, and knowledge and admissible inference rules - Logic Journal of the IGPL, Volume: 13, Issue: 2 Pages: 201-209, 2005.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2005-2006)
Logical consecutions in discrete linear temporal logic - Journal of Symbolic Logic, Volume: 70, Issue: 4, Pages: 1137-1149, 2005
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2005-2006)
Logical consecutions in intransitive temporal linear logic of finite intervals - Journal of Logic and Computation, Volume: 15, Issue: 5, Pages: 663-678, 2005
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999.
- Citing :
A. N. Rutskiĭ , B. R. Fedorishin , (2002-2003)
An inheritance criterion for admissible inference rules of K4 - Siberian Math. J., 43, no. 6, 1094-1102, 2002
Cited :
Description of Modal Logics Inheriting Admissible Rules for S4 - L. J. of the IGPL, Volume 7, No 5, pp. 655-664, 1999
Referenced in unindexed international publicatons
- Citing :
V. V. Rybakov (2008-2009)
Branching time logics BT L-N,N-1(U,S)(Z)(alpha) with operations Until and Since based on bundles of integer numbers, logical consecutions, deciding algorithms - Theory of Computing Systems, Volume: 43, Issue: 2, Pages: 254-271, 2008.
Cited :
On Finite Model Property for Admissible Rules - Mathematical Logic Quartley, Volume 45, Number 4, pp. 505-520, 1999
- Citing :
Emil Jeŕábek (2008-2009)
Independent Bases of Admissible Rules - Logic Jnl IGPL,Vol. 16, No 3, (, 2008
Cited :
Description of Modal Logics Inheriting Admissible Rules for S4 - L. J. of the IGPL, Volume 7, No 5, pp. 655-664, 1999