Courses Given
2024 - 2025
- (DT 203) Exports of Agricultural Products
2023 - 2024
- (DT 120) Marketing Techniques of Foreign Trade
- (DT 206) Logistics and Retail Management
- (MTOI 120) Introduction to Tourism Economics
2022 - 2023
- (DT 120) Marketing Techniques of Foreign Trade
- (DT 206) Logistics and Retail Management
- (MTOI 120) Introduction to Tourism Economics
2021 - 2022
- (DT 120) Marketing Techniques of Foreign Trade
- (DT 206) Logistics and Retail Management
- (MPAZ 101) Marketing Principles
- (MTOI 120) Introduction to Tourism Economics
2020 - 2021
- (DT 120) Marketing Techniques of Foreign Trade
- (DT 206) Logistics and Retail Management
- (DT 215) International Sales and Bargains
- (MPAZ 101) Marketing Principles
- (MPAZ 112) Supply Chain Management
- (MTOI 120) Introduction to Tourism Economics
2019 - 2020
- (DT 206) Logistics and Retail Management
- (DT 215) International Sales and Bargains
- (MTOI 120) Introduction to Tourism Economics
- (MTOI 203) Tourism Marketing
2018 - 2019
- (DT 206) Logistics and Retail Management
- (DT 214) International Business Environments
- (MPAZ 112) Supply Chain Management
2015 - 2016
- (BA 699) PhD Thesis
2014 - 2015
- (BA 150) Essent. Acad. Skills for Bus. Admin.
- (BA 699) PhD Thesis
- (ITF 150) Essential Acad. Skills in Int'l Trade & Finance
- (LOG 150) Essential Academic Skills for Logistics
- (LOG 451) Applied Workshop in Logistics I
- (LOG 452) Applied Workshop in Logistics II
- (LOG 497) Senior Project I
- (LOG 498) Senior Project II
- (LOG 599) Master Thesis
2013 - 2014
- (LOG 599) Master Thesis
2012 - 2013
- (LOG 599) Master Thesis
2011 - 2012
- (LOG 451) Applied Workshop in Logistics I
- (LOG 599) Master Thesis
2010 - 2011
- (BA 699) PhD Thesis
- (LOG 451) Applied Workshop in Logistics I
- (LOG 452) Applied Workshop in Logistics II
- (LOG 498) Senior Project II
- (LOG 599) Master Thesis
2009 - 2010
- (BA 699) PhD Thesis
- (CLM 103) Concepts and Skills for Culinary Arts
- (CLM 203) Art, Design and Gastronomy
- (GSS 500) Seminar
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (LOG 304) Transport Economics
- (LOG 451) Applied Workshop in Logistics I
- (LOG 452) Applied Workshop in Logistics II
2008 - 2009
- (BA 695) Comprehensive Exam
- (BA 699) PhD Thesis
- (CLM 104) Contemporary Culinary Cultures
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (LOG 304) Transport Economics
- (LOG 451) Applied Workshop in Logistics I
- (LOG 452) Applied Workshop in Logistics II
- (LOG 597) Term Project
- (VLOG 215) Supply Management
2007 - 2008
- (BA 523) International Marketing
- (BA 597) Term Project
- (BA 607) Product/Service Str. and Brand Manag.
- (BA 693) Research Paper
- (BA 694) Directed Research
- (BA 695) Comprehensive Exam
- (GSS 500) Seminar
- (GSS 501) Workshop
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (LOG 597) Term Project
- (LOG 601) Supply Chain Strategy and Management
- (VBA 209) Consumer Behavior
- (VBA 270) Brand Management
- (VLOG 101) Principles of Logistics I
- (VLOG 213) Material Management
2006 - 2007
- (BA 597) Term Project
- (BA 599) Master Thesis
- (BA 608) Marketing Theory
- (BA 614) Literature Review
- (BA 693) Research Paper
- (BA 694) Directed Research
- (BA 699) PhD Thesis
- (GSS 500) Seminar
- (GSS 501) Workshop
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (LOG 597) Term Project
- (LOG 599) Master Thesis
- (VBA 209) Consumer Behavior
- (VLOG 101) Principles of Logistics I
- (VLOG 102) Principles of Logistics II
2005 - 2006
- (BA 216) Marketing Management
- (BA 523) International Marketing
- (BA 597) Term Project
- (BA 599) Master Thesis
- (BA 606) Marketing Communications
- (BA 609) Theory of Consumer Behavior
- (BA 614) Literature Review
- (BA 695) Comprehensive Exam
- (EU 599) Master Thesis
- (GSS 500) Seminar
- (GSS 501) Workshop
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (LOG 595) Seminar
- (LOG 597) Term Project
- (VBA 133) Fundamentals of Marketing
- (VBA 145) Introduction to Business
- (VPR 106) Public Relations Practices and Tech.
2004 - 2005
- (BA 224) International Marketing
- (BA 406) International Marketing
- (BA 523) International Marketing
- (BA 595) Seminar
- (BA 597) Term Project
- (BA 599) Master Thesis
- (BA 608) Marketing Theory
- (BA 614) Literature Review
- (EU 599) Master Thesis
- (IUE 100) Academic and Social Orientation
- (LOG 101) Principles of Logistics I
- (LOG 102) Principles of Logistics II
- (LOG 595) Seminar
- (VBA 244) Marketing Research
2003 - 2004
- (BA 120) International Trade
- (BA 224) International Marketing
- (BA 323) Marketing Research
- (BA 523) International Marketing
- (İŞL 142) İşletme Becerileri Grup Çalışması
- (MİŞL 225) Advertising
- (MİŞL 226) Institutional Identity and Marketing
- (MİŞL 268) Brand and Stragies of Brand
- (VBA 225) Advertising
- (VBA 226) Corporate Identity and Marketing
- (VBA 234) Direct Marketing
- (VBA 235) International Marketing
- (VBA 237) Marketing Research
- (VBA 268) Branding and Branding Strategies
- (VWRK 202) Occupational Workshop and Seminar
2002 - 2003
- (BA 133) Fundamentals of Marketing I
- (BA 134) Fundamentals of Marketing II
- (BA 487) Marketing Management I
- (BA 595) Seminar
- (BA 597) Term Project
- (İŞL 145) Genel İşletme
2001 - 2002
- (BA 487) Marketing Management I