Prof. Türker İNCE
Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Head, Izmir University of Economics
Prof. Türker İNCE
Faculty of Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Head, Izmir University of Economics
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI
- E.Atalay , O.Ozalp , O.Can Devecioglu , H.Erdogan , T.Ince and N.Yildirim.
(2022) Investigation of the Role of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures in the Diagnosis of Glaucoma using Color Fundus Photography.
Turkish Journal Of Opthalmology , Vol. 52, No. 3, 193-200,
- M.U.Zahid , S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , O.Devecioglu , M.E.H.Chowdhury , A.Khandakar , A.Tahir and M.Gabbouj.
(2022) Robust R-Peak Detection in Low-Quality Holter ECGs Using 1D Convolutional Neural Network.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 69, No. 1, 119-128,
- S.Kiranyaz , O.C.Devecioglu , T.Ince , J.Malik , M.Chowdhury , T.Hamid , R.Mazhar , A.Khandakar , A.Tahir , T.Rahman and M.Gabbouj.
(2022) Blind ECG Restoration by Operational Cycle-GANs.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 69, No. 12, 3572-3581,
- M.Gabbouj , S.Kiranyaz , J.Malik , M.Zahid , T.Ince , M.Chowdhury , A.Khandakar , A.Tahir.
(2022) Robust Peak Detection for Holter ECGs by Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Neural Networks And Learning Systems , No. 2022-04-15, 1-12,
- J.Malik , O.Devecioglu , S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj .
(2022) Real-Time Patient-Specific ECG Classification by 1D Self-Operational Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering , Vol. 69, No. 5, 1788-1801,
- S.Kiranyaz , J.Malik , H.B.Abdallah , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Self-organized Operational Neural Networks with Generative Neurons.
Neural Networks , Vol. 140, No. 2021, 294-308,
- S.Kiranyaz , J.Malik , H.Abdallah , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Exploiting Heterogeneity in Operational Neural Networks by Synaptic Plasticity.
Neural Computing And Applications , 1-19,
- T.Ince , O.Devecioglu , J.Malik , S.Kiranyaz , O.Avci , L.Eren , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Early Bearing Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery by 1D Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks.
IEEE Access , Vol. 9, 139260-139270,
- S.Kiranyaz , O.Avci , O.Abdeljaber , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj , D.Inman.
(2021) 1-D Convolutional Neural Networks and Applications: A survey.
Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing , Vol. 151, 1-21,
- O.Devecioglu , J.Malik , T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , E.Atalay , M.Gabbouj.
(2021) Real-Time Glaucoma Detection From Digital Fundus Images Using Self-ONNs.
IEEE Access , Vol. 9, 140031-140041,
- I.Ozcan , O.Devecioglu , T.Ince , L.Eren , M.Askar.
(2021) Enhanced bearing fault detection using multichannel, multilevel 1D CNN classifier.
Electrical Engineering , 1-13,
- S.Kiranyaz , M.Zabihi , A.Rad , T.Ince , R.Hamila , M.Gabbouj.
(2020) Real-time Phonocardiogram Anomaly Detection by Adaptive 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
Neurocomputing , Vol. 411, No. 10, 291-301,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2020) Operational Neural Networks.
Neural Computing And Applications , Vol. 32, No. 3, 6645-6668,
- M.Ahishali , S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2019) Dual and Single Polarized SAR Image Classification Using Compact Convolutional Neural Networks.
Remote Sensing , Vol. 1340, No. 11,
- T.Ince.
(2019) Real-Time Broken Rotor Bar Fault Detection and Classification by Shallow 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
Electrical Engineering (Springer), Doi:10.1007/s00202-019-00808-7 , Vol. 101, No. 2, 599-608,
- L.Eren , T.İnce , S.Kiranyaz.
(2019) A Generic Intelligent Bearing Fault Diagnosis System Using Compact Adaptive 1D CNN Classifier.
Journal Of Signal Processing Systems ( ,
- J.Arje , S.Karkkainen , K.Meissner , A.Iosifidis , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj , S.Kiranyaz.
(2017) The effect of automated taxa identification errors on biological indices.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 72, No. 12, 108-120,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2017) Personalized Monitoring and Advance Warning System for Cardiac Arrhythmias.
Nature Scientific Reports , Vol. SREP-16-52,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Iosifidis , M.Gabbouj.
(2016) Progressive Operational Perceptrons.
Neurocomputing, Doi: 10.1016/j.neucom.2016.10.044 ,
- S.Kiranyaz , T.İnce , M.Gabbouj.
(2016) Real-Time Patient-Specific ECG Classification by 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Biomedical Engineering, Doi: 10.1109/TBME.2015.2468589 , Vol. 63, No. 3, 664-675,
- M.Zabihi , S.Kiranyaz , A.Rad , A.Katsaggelos , M.Gabbouj , T.Ince.
(2016) Analysis of high-dimensional phase space via Poincare section for patient-specific seizure detection.
IEEE Transactions On Neural Systems And Rehabilitation Engineering, DOI 10.1109/TNSRE.2015.2505238 , Vol. 24, No. 3, 386-398, ISBN: DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , L.Eren , M.Askar , M.Gabbouj.
(2016) Real-Time Motor Fault Detection by 1D Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, Doi:10.1109/TIE.2016.2582729 , Vol. 63, No. 11, 7067-7075,
- A.Vuruskan , T.Ince , E.Bulgun , C.Guzelis.
(2015) Intelligent fashion styling using genetic search and neural classification.
International Journal Of Clothing Science And Technology , Vol. 27, No. 2, 283-301, ISBN:
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Zabihi , D.Ince.
(2014) Automated patient-specific classification of long-term Electroencephalography.
Journal Of Biomedical Informatics , Vol. 49, 16-31, ISBN: doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , M.Gabbouj.
(2012) Evolutionary RBF classifier for polarimetric SAR images.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 39, No. 5, 4710-4717, ISBN: 0957-4174
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , S.Uhlmann , M.Gabbouj.
(2012) Collective Network of Binary Classifier Framework for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification: An Evolutionary Approach.
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2011) Stochastic approximation driven particle swarm optimization with simultaneous perturbation - Who will guide the guide?.
Applied Soft Computing , Vol. 11, No. 2, 2334-2347, ISBN: DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , J.Pulkkinen , M.Gabbouj.
(2011) Personalized long-term ECG classification: A systematic approach.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 38, No. 4, 3220-3226, ISBN: DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , J.Pulkkinen , M.Gabbouj , J.Arje , S.Karkkainen , V.Tirronen , M.Juhola.
(2011) Classification and retrieval on macroinvertebrate image databases.
Computers In Biology And Medicine , Vol. 41, No. 7, 463-472, ISBN: doi:10.1016/j.compbi
- T.Ince.
(2010) FMCW Radar Performance for Atmospheric Measurements.
RADIOENGINEERING , Vol. 19, No. 1, 129-135, ISBN: 1210-2512
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Yildirim , M.Gabbouj.
(2010) Fractional Particle Swarm Optimization in Multidimensional Search Space.
- T.Ince.
(2010) Unsupervised classification of polarimetric SAR image with dynamic clustering: An image processing approach.
Advances In Engineering Software , Vol. 41, No. 4, 636-646, ISBN: 0965-9978
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , J.Pulkkinen , M.Gabbouj.
(2010) Evaluation of global and local training techniques over feed-forward neural network architecture spaces for computer-aided medical diagnosis.
Expert Systems With Applications , Vol. 37, No. 12, 8450-8461, ISBN: doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2
- S.Kiranyaz , T.Ince , A.Yildirim , M.Gabbouj.
(2009) Evolutionary artificial neural networks by multi-dimensional particle swarm optimization.
NEURAL NETWORKS , Vol. 22, No. 10, 1448-1462, ISBN: 0893-6080
- T.Ince , S.Kiranyaz , M.Gabbouj.
(2009) A Generic and Robust System for Automated Patient-Specific Classification of ECG Signals.
- Y.G.Sahin , T.Ince.
(2009) Early Forest Fire Detection Using Radio-Acoustic Sounding System.
Sensors , Vol. 9, No. 3, 1485-1498, ISBN: 1424-8220
- S.Kiranyaz , S.Uhlmann , T.Ince , M.Gabbouj.
(2009) Perceptual Dominant Color Extraction by Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization.
Eurasip Journal On Advances In Signal Processing , ISBN: 1687-6172
- J.Sun , D.H.Lenschow , S.P.Burns , R.M.Banta , R.Newsom , R.Coulter , S.Frasier , T.Ince.
(2004) Atmospheric disturbances that generate intermittent turbulence in nocturnal boundary layers.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology , Vol. 110, 255-279,
- T.Ince , S.J.Frasier , A.Muschinski , A.L.Pazmany.
(2003) An S-band frequency-modulated continuous-wave boundary layer profiler: Description and initial results.
RADIO SCIENCE , Vol. 38, No. 4, 1072-1081,
- J.Sun , S.P.Burns , D.H.Lenschow , R.Banta , R.Newsom , R.Coulter , S.Frasier , T.Ince.
(2002) Intermittent turbulence associated with a density current passage in the stable boundary layer.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology , Vol. 105, 199-219,
- G.Turhan-Sayan , K.Leblebicioglu , T.Ince.
(1999) Electromagnetic target classification using time-frequency analysis and neural networks.
Microwave And Optical Technology Letters , Vol. 21, No. 1, 63-69,
Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun , T.Ince , C.Guzelis , G.Demirkiran.
(2017) Fashion Styling Recommendation with Intelligent Systems: Test of an Online Platform.
J Fashion Technol Textile Eng , Vol. 3, No. 4, 1-2,