Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by SCI, SSCI or AHCI

  • L.İ.Öztığ and U.C.Adısönmez.
    (2024) Old Wine in a New Bottle: Navigating Religion and Politics in Turkiye.
    Religions , Vol. 15, No. 7, 1-17, ISBN: 2077-1444
  • U.C.Adisonmez and L.İ.Öztığ.
    (2024) A Psychoanalytic Approach to Turkish Foreign Policy: Crisis, Disorder, and Disorientation.
    Critical Studies On Security , 1-22, ISBN: 2162-4909
  • U.C.Adisonmez and S.Al.
    (2024) From Beka to Ghaza? New Ontological Security Regime and Turkey’s Neo-Imperial Bid in World Politics.
    Alternatives , 1-19, ISBN: ISBN: 0304-3754
  • L.İ.Öztığ and U.C.Adisonmez.
    (2023) Sovereignty, Power, and Authority: Understanding the Conversion of Hagia Sophia from a Performative Perspective.
    Southeast European And Black Sea Studies , 1-21, ISBN: 1743-9639
  • U.C.Adisonmez , R.Onursal and L.İ.Öztığ.
    (2023) Quest for Regional Hegemony: The Politics of Ontological Insecurity in the Saudi-Iran Rivalry.
    Alternatives , Vol. 48, No. 1, 1-17, ISBN: 0304-3754
  • U.C.Adisonmez , R.Onursal.
    (2022) “Strong, but Anxious State”: The Fantasmatic Narratives on Ontological Insecurity and Anxiety in Turkey.
    Uluslararası İlişkiler , Vol. 19, No. 73, 1-15,
  • U.C.Adisonmez , R.Onursal.
    (2020) Governing Anxiety, Trauma and Crisis: The Political Discourse on Ontological (In)Security after the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey.
    Middle East Critique , Vol. 29, No. 3, 291-306,
  • B.Rumelili , U.C.Adisonmez.
    (2020) Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik-Güvenlik İlişkisine Dair Yeni bir Paradigma: Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi.
    Uluslararası İlişkiler , Vol. 17, No. 66, 23-39,
  • U.C.Adisonmez.
    (2019) When Conflict Traumas Fragment: Investigating the Sociopsychological Roots of Turkey’s Intractable Conflict.
    Political Psychology , Vol. 40, No. 6, 1373-1390,
  • U.C.Adisonmez.
    (2016) Making Sense of Turkish Mainstream Media: Identity, Foreign Policy, and Change.
    Asian Politics & Policy , Vol. 8, No. 4, 629-635,

Published or accepted to be published in journals covered by other indexes

  • U.C.Adısönmez , S.Al.
    (2024) Kitlesel Şiddet, Travma ve Hafıza: Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türkiye’sinde ‘Beka’nın İzini Sürmek.
    Mülkiye , Vol. 48, No. 3, 553-581, ISBN: 1305-9971
  • U.C.Adisonmez , L.İ.Öztığ.
    (2022) Between Crises and Fragile Stability: Türkiye-Israel Affairs.
    Transatlantic Policy Quarterly , Vol. 21, No. 3, 141-149,
  • H.A.Joobani , U.C.Adisonmez.
    (2018) Turkey’s Volte-Face Politics: Understanding the AKP’s Securitization Policy toward the Syrian Conflict.
    New Middle Eastern Studies , Vol. 8, No. 1, 42-62,
  • U.C.Adisonmez.
    (2016) What is the Human Security Approach and How the Phenomenon Contributed to the International Security Agenda: Canadian and Japanese Paradigms.
    Journal Of Security Strategies , Vol. 12, No. 24, 1-29,