Izmir Dr. After graduating from Osman Yaşar Anatolian Health Vocational High School, he started his undergraduate education at Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Department of Emergency Aid and Disaster Management. His master's degree was completed at Eren University Emergency and Disaster Management Master's Program. In 2019, he was accepted to Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Social Sciences Disaster Management Doctoral Program and continues his doctoral education.

Between 2013 and 2023, he worked in various positions as an Emergency Medical Technician in 112 Provincial Ambulance Services in the provinces of Çanakkale, Muş and Izmir. During his tenure, he completed module training and took part in national exercises and missions with the UMKE team. After working at the Ministry of Health for more than 10 years, he started his academic career in March 2023 as a Lecturer at the First and Emergency Aid Program of the University of Economics, Vocational School of Health Services.