SCI, SSCI ve AHCI tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler

  • K.M.Küçük , A.Wienke , B.Mathes and C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2023) Multistable perception elicits compensatory alpha activity in older adults.
    Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience , Vol. 15,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , K.M.Küçük , L.Rürup , C.Schmiedt Fehr and B.Mathes.
    (2023) Oscillatory activities in multiple frequency bands in patients schizoprenia during motion perception.
    Clinical EEG And Neuroscience , Vol. 54, No. 4, 349-358,
  • K.M.Küçük , B.Mathes , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2023) Aging attenuated theta response during multistable perception.
    Psychophysiology , Vol. 60(6), No. e14286,
  • G.Yener , D.Hünerli-Gündüz , E.Yıldırım , T.Aktürk , C.Başar-Eroğlu , L.Bonanni , C.Del Percio , F.Farina , R.Ferri , B.Gültekin , M.Hajós , A.Ibáñez , Y.Jiang , R.Lizio , S.Lopez , G.Noce , M.A Parra , F.Randall , F.Stocchi and C.Babiloni.
    (2022) Treatment effects on event-related EEG potentials and oscillations in Alzheimer's disease.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 177, No. 179-201,
  • L.Rürup , M.Birgit , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , A.S.Wienke , A.Özerdem , A.Brand , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2020) Altered gamma and theta oscillations during multistable perception in schizophrenia.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 155, 127-139,
  • E.E.Tülay , B.Güntekin , G.Yener , A.Bayram , C.Başar-Eroğlu , T.Demiralp.
    (2020) Evoked and induced EEG oscillations to visual targets reveal a differential pattern of change along the spectrum of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's Disease.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , 41-48,
  • E.Erdogdu , E.Kurt , A.D.Duru , A.Uslu , C.Başar-Eroğlu , T.Demiralp.
    (2019) Measurement of cognitive dynamics during video watching through event-related potentials (ERPs) and oscillations (EROs).
    Cognitive Neurodynamics , Vol. 13, No. 6, 503-512,
  • A.Wienke , C.Başar-Eroğlu , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , B.Mathes.
    (2018) Novelty N2-P3a complex and theta oscillations reflect improving neural coordination within frontal brain networks during adolescence.
    Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience , Vol. 12, 212-218,
  • B.Güntekin , G.Yener , A.Ademoğlu , T.Demiralp , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2018) Erol Başar, 1938–2017.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 129, No. 1, 288-290,
  • A.S.Wienke , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu , B.Mathes.
    (2018) Maturation of connectivity in oscillatory brain networks: An EEG study of novelty processing.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 131, 175-176,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , L.Rürup , A.Brand , B.Mathes.
    (2018) Alpha and theta brain oscillations during visual perception in schizophrenia.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 131,
  • C.Schmiedt-Fehr , B.Mathes , S.Kedilaya , J.Krauss , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2016) Aging differentially affects alpha and beta sensorimotor rhythms in a go/nogo task.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 127, No. 10, 3234-3242,
  • E.Başar , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , B.Mathes , B.Femir , D.D.Emek-Savaş , E.Tülay , D.Tan , D.Düzgün , B.Güntekin , A.Özerdem , G.Yener , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2016) What does the broken brain say to the neuroscientist? Oscillations and connectivity in schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and bipolar disorder.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 103, 135-148,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , B.Mathes , K.Khalaidovski , A.Brand , C.Schmiedt-Fehr.
    (2016) Altered alpha brain oscillations during multistable perception in schizophrenia.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 103, 118-128,
  • E.Başar , B.Güntekin , G.Yener , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2016) Mindful brain and EEG-neurophysiology.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 103, 1-2,
  • B.Mathes , K.Khalaidovski , A.S.Wienke , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2016) Maturation of the P3 and concurrent oscillatory processes during adolescence.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 127, No. 7, 2599-2609,
  • J.Ehlers , D.Strüber , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2016) Multistable perception in children: Prefrontal delta oscillations in the developing brain.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 103, 129-134,
  • E.Başar , B.T.Gölbaşı , E.Tülay , S.Aydın , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2016) Best method for analysis of brain oscillations in healthy subjects and neuropsychiatric diseases.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 103, 22-42,
  • B.Mathes , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , S.Kedilaya , D.Strüber , A.Brand , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2016) Theta response in schizophrenia is indifferent to perceptual illusion.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 127, No. 1, 419-430,
  • C.Schmiedt-Fehr , M.Marjanovic , V.Milke , B.Mathes , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2014) Getting older: decline or regulation? An EEG study on attention and emotion.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 125, 160--1,
  • B.Mathes , K.Khalaidovski , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2014) Frontal theta activity is pronounced during illusory perception.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 94, No. 3, 450-454,
  • B.Mathes , K.Khalaidovski , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2014) EEG response reflects that contribution of cognitive processes on perception is variable.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 125,
  • E.Başar , C.Başar-Eroğlu , A.Özerdem , P.M.Rossini , G.G.Yener.
    (2013) Preface: Application of brain oscillations to neuropsychiatric diseases: A new land?.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 62, 5-6,
  • C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2011) Event-related delta and theta brain oscillations reflect age-related changes in both a general and a specific neuronal inhibitory mechanism.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 122, No. 6, 1156-1167,
  • C.Schmiedt-Fehr , S.Dühl , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2011) Age-related increases in within-person variability: Delta and theta oscillations indicate that the elderly are not always old.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 495, No. 2, 159-162,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , B.Mathes , A.Brand , C.Schmiedt-Fehr.
    (2011) Occipital gamma response to auditory stimulation in patients with schizophrenia.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 79, No. 1, 3-8,
  • B.Mathes , U.Pomper , P.Walla , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2010) Dissociation of reversal- and motor-related delta- and alpha-band responses during visual multistable perception.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 478, No. 1, 14-18,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , B.Mathes , J.Zimmerrmann , A.Brand.
    (2009) Are oscillatory brain responses generally reduced in schizophrenia during long sustained attentional processing?.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 71, No. 1, 75-83,
  • J.Ramos-Loyo , A.A.González-Garrido , L.M.Sánchez-Loyo , V.Medina , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2009) Event-related potentials and event-related oscillations during identity and facial emotional processing in schizophrenia.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 71, No. 1, 84-90,
  • C.Kalaycioğlu , E.Nalçaci , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2009) Corpus callosum has different channels for transmission of spatial frequency information.
    Brain Research , Vol. 1296, 85-93,
  • M.Ergen , S.Marbach , A.Brand , C.Başar-Eroğlu , T.Demiralp.
    (2008) P3 and delta band responses in visual oddball paradigm in schizophrenia.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 440, No. 3, 304-308,
  • E.Başar , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , A.Öniz , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2008) Brain oscillations evoked by the face of a loved person.
    Brain Research , Vol. 1214, 105-115,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , S.Marbach , A.Brand , B.Mathes.
    (2008) Altered oscillatory alpha and theta networks in schizophrenia.
    Brain Research , Vol. 1235, 143-152,
  • E.Başar , M.Özgören , A.Öniz , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2007) Brain oscillations differentiate the picture of one's own grandmother.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 64, No. 1, 81-90,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , A.Brand , H.Hildebrandt , K.Karolina-Kedzior , B.Mathes , C.Schmiedt-Fehr.
    (2007) Working memory related gamma oscillations in schizophrenia patients.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 64, No. 1, 39-45,
  • H.Hildebrandt , S.Happe , A.Deutschmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , P.Eling , J.Brunhöber.
    (2007) Brain perfusion and VEP reactivity in occipital and parietal areas are associated to recovery from hypoxic vegetative state.
    Journal Of The Neurological Sciences , Vol. 260, No. 1-2, 150-158,
  • C.Schmiedt-Fehr , G.Schwendermann , M.Herrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2007) Parkinson's disease and age-related alterations in brain oscillations during a Simon task.
    NeuroReport , Vol. 18, No. 3, 277-281,
  • K.K.Kedzior , M.Koch , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2007) Auditory-evoked EEG oscillations associated with prepulse inhibition (PPI) of auditory startle reflex in healthy humans.
    Brain Research , Vol. 1163, No. 1, 111-118,
  • K.K.Kedzior , M.Koch , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2006) Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of auditory startle reflex is associated with PPI of auditory-evoked theta oscillations in healthy humans.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 400, No. 3, 246-251,
  • B.Mathes , D.Strüber , M.A.Stadler , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2006) Voluntary control of Necker cube reversals modulates the EEG delta- and gamma-band response.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 402, No. 1-2, 145-149,
  • N.Dolu , C.Başar-Eroğlu , C.Özesmi , C.Süer.
    (2005) An assessment of working memory using P300 wave in healthy subjects.
    International Congress Series , Vol. 1278, 7-10,
  • C.Schmiedt , A.Brand , H.Hildebrandt , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2005) Event-related theta oscillations during working memory tasks in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls.
    Cognitive Brain Research , Vol. 25, No. 3, 936-947,
  • M.Özgören , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (2005) Beta oscillations in face recognition.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 55, No. 1, 51-59,
  • C.Schmiedt , A.L.Meistrowitz , G.Schwendemann , M.Herrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2005) Theta and alpha oscillations reflect differences in memory strategy and visual discrimination performance in patients with Parkinson's disease.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 388, No. 3, 138-143,
  • I.Ulusoy , U.Halici , E.Nalçaci , İ.Anaç , K.Leblebicioğlu , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2004) Time-frequency analysis of visual evoked potentials for interhemispheric transfer time and proportion in callosal fibers of different diameters.
    Biological Cybernetics , Vol. 90, No. 4, 291-301,
  • E.Başar , M.Özgören , S.Karakaş , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2004) Super-synergy in the brain: The grandmother percept is manifested by multiple oscillations.
    International Journal Of Bifurcation And Chaos In Applied Sciences And Engineering , Vol. 14, No. 2, 453-491,
  • E.Başar , M.Özgören , C.Başar-Eroğlu , S.Karakaş.
    (2003) Superbinding: Spatio-temporal oscillatory dynamics.
    Theory In Biosciences , Vol. 121, No. 4, 371-386,
  • V.Kolev , J.Yordanova , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (2002) Age effects on visual EEG responses reveal distinct frontal alpha networks.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 113, No. 6, 901-910,
  • E.Başar , M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , T.Demiralp.
    (2001) Selectively distributed gamma band system of the brain.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 129-135,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , T.Demiralp , M.Schürmann , E.Başar.
    (2001) Topological distribution of oddball 'P300' responses.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 213-220,
  • S.Karakaş , C.Başar-Eroğlu , Ç.Özesmi , H.Kafadar , Ö.Ü.Erzengin.
    (2001) Gamma response of the brain: A multifunctional oscillation that represents bottom-up with top-down processing.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 137-150,
  • H.Hildebrandt , J.Möller , B.Bussmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2001) 16. Working memory load is reflected by a change in the alpha and theta ERP components in a verbal two-back paradigm.
    Brain And Cognition , Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 82-84,
  • E.Başar , C.Başar-Eroğlu , S.Karakaş , M.Schürrmann.
    (2001) Gamma, alpha, delta, and theta oscillations govern cognitive processes.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 241-248,
  • T.Demiralp , A.Ademoğlu , Y.Istefanopulos , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (2001) Wavelet analysis of oddball P300.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 221-227,
  • D.Strüber , C.Başar-Eroğlu , M.Miener , M.Stadler.
    (2001) EEG gamma-band response during the perception of Necker cube reversals.
    Visual Cognition , Vol. 8, No. 3-5, 609-621,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , V.Kolev , E.Başar.
    (2001) Delta responses and cognitive processing: Single-trial evaluations of human visual P300.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 229-239,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , T.Demiralp.
    (2001) Event-related theta oscillations: An integrative and comparative approach in the human and animal brain.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 167-195,
  • E.Başar , M.Schürrmann , T.Demiralp , C.Başar-Eroğlu , A.Ademoğlu.
    (2001) Event-related oscillations are 'real brain responses' - Wavelet analysis and new strategies.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 39, No. 2-3, 91-127,
  • E.Başar , C.Başar-Eroğlu , S.Karakaş , M.Schürrmann.
    (2000) Brain oscillations in perception and memory.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 35, No. 2-3, 95-124,
  • U.İşoğlu-Alkaç , C.Başar-Eroğlu , A.Ademoğlu , T.Demiralp , M.Miener , M.Stadler.
    (2000) Alpha activity decreases during the perception of Necker cube reversals: An application of wavelet transform.
    Biological Cybernetics , Vol. 82, No. 4, 313-320,
  • D.Strüber , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Hoff , M.Stadler.
    (2000) Reversal-rate dependent differences in the EEG gamma-band during multistable visual perception.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 38, No. 3, 243-252,
  • M.Schürrmann , T.Demiralp , E.Başar , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2000) Electroencephalogram alpha (8-15 Hz) responses to visual stimuli in cat cortex, thalamus, and hippocampus: A distributed alpha network?.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 292, No. 3, 175-178,
  • E.Başar , C.Başar-Eroğlu , S.Karakaş , M.Schürrmann.
    (1999) Oscillatory brain theory: A new trend in neuroscience: The role of oscillatory processes in sensory and cognitive functions.
    IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Magazine , Vol. 18, No. 3, 56-66,
  • T.Demiralp , A.Ademoğlu , M.Schürmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1999) Detection of P300 waves in single trials by the wavelet transform (WT).
    Brain And Language , Vol. 66, No. 1, 108-128,
  • E.Başar , C.Başar-Eroğlu , S.Karakaş , M.Schürrmann.
    (1999) Are cognitive processes manifested in event-related gamma, alpha, theta and delta oscillations in the EEG?.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 259, No. 3, 165-168,
  • E.Başar , T.Demiralp , M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , A.Ademoğlu.
    (1999) Oscillatory brain dynamics, wavelet analysis, and cognition.
    Brain And Language , Vol. 66, No. 1, 146-183,
  • E.Nalcaci , C.Başar-Eroğlu , M.Stadler.
    (1999) Visual evoked potential interhemispheric transfer time in different frequency bands.
    Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 110, No. 1, 71-81,
  • E.Nalçaci , C.Başar-Eroğlu , M.Stadler.
    (1999) VEP-interhemispheric transfer time in 20-32 Hz band in man.
    NeuroReport , Vol. 10, No. 14, 3105-3109,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1998) Evoked EEG alpha oscillations in the cat brain - A correlate of primary sensory processing?.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 240, No. 1, 41-44,
  • E.Başar , J.Yordanova , V.Kolev , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (1997) Is the alpha rhythm a control parameter for brain responses?.
    Biological Cybernetics , Vol. 76, No. 6, 471-480,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1997) A possible role of evoked alpha in primary sensory processing: Common properties of cat intracranial recordings and human EEG and MEG.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 26, No. 1-3, 149-170,
  • E.Başar , M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , S.Karakaş.
    (1997) Alpha oscillations in brain functioning: An integrative theory.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 26, No. 1-3, 5-29,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1997) Gamma responses in the EEG: Elementary signals with multiple functional correlates.
    NeuroReport , Vol. 8, No. 7, 1793-1796,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , D.Strüber , P.Kruse , E.Başar , M.Stadler.
    (1996) Frontal gamma-band enhancement during multistable visual perception.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 24, No. 1-2, 113-125,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , D.Strüber , M.Schürrmann , M.Stadler , E.Başar.
    (1996) Gamma-band responses in the brain: A short review of psychophysiological correlates and functional significance.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 24, No. 1-2, 110-112,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , V.Kolev , E.Başar.
    (1995) A new metric for analyzing single-trial event-related potentials (ERPs): application to human visual P300 delta response.
    Neuroscience Letters , Vol. 197, No. 3, 167-170,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar , T.Demiralp , E.Başar.
    (1995) Time and Frequency Analysis of the Brainʼns Distributed Gamma-Band System.
    IEEE Engineering In Medicine And Biology Magazine , Vol. 14, No. 4, 400-410,
  • T.Demiralp , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Rahn , E.Başar.
    (1994) Event-related theta rhythms in cat hippocampus and prefrontal cortex during an omitted stimulus paradigm.
    International Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 18, No. 1, 35-48,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , V.Kolev , B.Ritter , F.Aksu , E.Başar.
    (1994) EEG, auditory evoked potentials and evoked rhythmicities in three-year-old children.
    International Journal Of Neuroscience , Vol. 74, No. 3-4, 239-255,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1992) A comparative study of alpha responses in human occipital EEG recordings and in cat intracranial EEG recordings.
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    (1992) P300-response: possible psychophysiological correlates in delta and theta frequency channels. A review.
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  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1991) Auditory and visual evoked potentials: Topographic and modality-dependent differences in the frequency domain.
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  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1987) Endogenous components of event-related potentials in hippocampus: an analysis with freely moving cats.
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  • E.Başar , C.Eroğlu , P.Ungan.
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Diğer indexler tarafından taranan dergilerde yayımlanmış veya kabul edilmiş makaleler

  • N.Tümer , N.Öztürk-Demir , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (1983) Passive stretch-evoked responses of guinea-pig uterus.
    Acta Reproductiva Turcica , Vol. 4, No. 3, 70-76,
  • N.Tümer , N.Demir , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (1980) The effect of Ca++-ions on the spontaneous mechanical activity of pregnant and nonpregnant guinea-pig uterus.
    Acta Reproductiva Turcica , Vol. 3, 37-44,
  • B.Mathes , J.Schmiedt , C.Schmiedt-Fehr , C.Pantelis , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2012) New rather than old? For working memory tasks with abstract patterns the P3 and the single-trial delta response are larger for modified than identical probe stimuli.
    Psychophysiology , Vol. 49, No. 7, 920-932,
  • B.Schmiedt-Fehr , B.Mathes , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2009) Alpha brain oscillations and inhibitory control: A partially preserved mechanism in healthy aging?.
    Journal Of Psychophysiology , Vol. 26, No. 4, 208-215,
  • A.Brand , H.Hilderbrandt , A.Cabuk , J.Zimmermann , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2001) Working memory in schizophrenia as revealed by event-related potentials | Ereigniskorrelierte Potenziale bei Arbeitsgedächtnisleistungen schizophrener Patienten.
    Zeitschrift Fur Neuropsychologie , Vol. 12, No. 1, 26-31,
  • A.Brand , H.Hilderbrandt , A.Cabuk , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (2001) 63. Event-related potentials in schizophrenia during working memory for self-executed movements.
    Brain And Cognition , Vol. 47, No. 1-2, 237-241,
  • T.Demiralp , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1996) Distributed gamma band responses in the brain studied in cortex, reticular formation, hippocampus and cerebellum.
    International Journal Of Neuroscience , Vol. 84, No. 1-4, 1-13,
  • M.Schürrmann , C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1996) P300-delta responses are only an example of the functional interpretation of event-related brain rhythms.
    Psycholoquy , Vol. 7, No. 1-2, 139-151,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar , G.Zetler.
    (1996) Effects of ceruletide and haloperidol on auditory evoked potentials in the cat brain.
    International Journal Of Neuroscience , Vol. 85, No. 1-2, 131-146,
  • V.Kolev , C.Başar-Eroğlu , F.Aksu , E.Başar.
    (1994) EEG rhythmicities evoked by visual stimuli in three-year-old children.
    International Journal Of Neuroscience , Vol. 75, No. 3-4, 257-270,
  • T.H.Bullock , S.Karamürsel , J.Z.Achimowicz , M.C.McClune , C.Başar-Eroğlu.
    (1994) Dynamic properties of human visual evoked and omitted stimulus potentials.
    Electroencephalography And Clinical Neurophysiology , Vol. 91, No. 1, 42-53,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar , F.Schmielau.
    (1991) P300 in freely moving cats with intracranial electrodes.
    International Journal Of Neuroscience , Vol. 60, No. 2, 215-226,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , F.Schmielau , U.Schramm , J.Schult.
    (1991) P300 response of hippocampus analyzed by means of multielectrodes in cats.
    International Journal Of Neuroscience , Vol. 60, No. 2, 239-248,
  • C.Başar-Eroğlu , E.Başar.
    (1991) A compound p300-40hz response of the cat hippocampus.
    International Journal Of Neuroscience , Vol. 60, No. 2, 227-237,
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