Prof. Dr. Ender BULGUN
Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakültesi
Tekstil ve Moda Tasarımı
Prof. Dr. Ender BULGUN
Güzel Sanatlar ve Tasarım Fakültesi
Tekstil ve Moda Tasarımı
CPCI-S veya CPCI-SSH endexli konferans bildiri kitaplarında yayımlanmış bildiriler
- T.İnce , A.Vuruşkan , E.Bulgun and C.Güzeliş.
(2013) Application of evolutionary algorithms to garment design.
IEEE Signal Processing And Communications Applications Conference (SIU) / Proc. Of IEEE Signal Processing And Communications Applications Conference (SIU)
1-4, ISBN: 978-1-4673-5561-2
- M.Yılmaz , E.Bulgun , Y.Senol and T.Akkan.
(2013) Monitoring of Vital Parameters With the Integrated Sensors on the Firefighter Jacket.
The International Istanbul Textile Congress
0-0, ISBN:
- O.Kayacan , E.Bulgun , B.Eser and M.Pamuk.
(2013) Design Methodology and Performance Studies of a Flexible Electrotextile Surface.
ITMC Lille Metropole International Conference
0-0, ISBN:
- M.Yılmaz , E.Bulgun , Y.Şenol and A.Taner.
(2012) Designing Smart Garment for Firefighters.
5th European Conference On Protective Clothing And NOKOBETEF 10, "Future Of Protective Clothing: Intelligent Or Not"
0-0, ISBN:
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun.
(2012) Textile and Fashion Education in Turkey in Connection with Sector's Development.
Proceedings Of Autex 2012 - 12th World Textile Conference
0-0, ISBN:
- M.Yılmaz , E.Bulgun , A.Baykasoğlu and N.Aktaş.
(2012) A Multiple Criteria Decision Making Approach for Firefighter Protective Clothing Fabrics Selection.
5th International Technical Textile Congress
0-0, ISBN:
- O.Kayacan , Ö.Şahin , E.Bulgun.
(2006) Akıllı Giysilerde Sıcaklık Kontolünün Elektronik Gerçeklenmesi.
5th International Technical Textile Congress
0-0, ISBN:
- Ö.Şahin , E.Bulgun , O.Kayacan.
(2004) Isıtma Fonksiyonlu Akıllı Giysiler.
Akıllı Sistemlerdeki Yenilikler Ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu
0-0, ISBN:
- O.Kayacan , Ö.Şahin , E.Bulgun.
(2003) "Soldier of the Future".
Akıllı Sistemlerdeki Yenilikler Ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu
0-0, ISBN:
- B.Süller , A.Vuruşkan , E.Bulgun.
(2015) Smart Glove Design for Disabled.
6th International Technical Textile Congress
0-0, ISBN:
Diğer konferans bildiri kitaplarında yayımlanmış bildiriler
- E.Yazgan Bulgun , E.Özkavruk Adanır , F.Himam Er.
(2014) Developing Awareness In Contemporary Fashion and Design Culture with Digital Design Archive.
NODEM 2014 Conference, Engaging Spaces – Interpretation, Design And Digital Strategies
259-266, ISBN:
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun.
(2013) Emotional communication in techno-fashion.
The International Istanbul Textile Congress
0-0, ISBN:
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun.
(2012) Luminescent applications in techno-fashion.
5th International Technical Textiles Congress
0-0, ISBN:
- A.Vuruşkan , E.Bulgun , O.Kart and A.Kut.
(2011) Analysing Body Shapes for Clothing:Using 2D Images.
France,ENSİSA 11 Th World Textile Conference-AUTEX 2011
44-49, ISBN:
- E.Yazgan Bulgun , O.Kayacan , Y.Şenol , T.Akkan and M.Yılmaz.
(2010) Safe Travelling Cloth - STC.
10th World Textile Conference- AUTEX 2010, Vilnius- Lithuanina
55-0, ISBN:
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun.
(2010) Analysis of 3D body scanning for body measurement extraction considering the cultural context.
Hometrica Consulting / Proceedings Of The International Conference On 3D Body Scanning Technologies
312-322, ISBN: 978-3-033-02714-5
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun , H.Baysal.
(2010) Objective calculation method for body shape analysis.
Kaunas University Of Technology, Faculty Of Design And Technologies, Department Of Textile Technology / Autex 2010, 10th World Textile Conference, Abstract Book
51-51, ISBN: 978-9955-25-829-2 (e
- E.Bulgun , O.Kayacan.
(2008) Designing A Smart Garment Wıth Heating Function - A Case Study For Steel Yarn Applicatıon.
FuturoTextiles Conference, Kortjrik, Belgium
0-0, ISBN:
- A.Vuruskan , E.Bulgun.
(2008) Overview of mass customization as a marketing strategy with the comparisons under cross cultural effects.
Politechnico Di Torino, Italy / 8th AUTEX Conference, Book Of Abstracts
66-66, ISBN:
- E.Bulgun , F.Dayanıklı.
(2008) Software Development For The Calculation Of Total Fabric Length Required In Woven Garment Plants.
Autex Conference, Biele, Italy
66-0, ISBN:
- A.Vuruşkan , E.Bulgun.
(2007) Apparel Customizatıon Under the Technologıcal Influence: Viability Analysis in Turkey.
Proceedings Of 7th Design Conference, Dancing With Disorder: Design, Discourse, Disaster
0-0, ISBN:
- E.Bulgun , A.Vuruşkan.
(2007) Understanding The Consumer Approach to Apparel Mass Customization: The Case Study.
ITMC 2007, Casablanca, Morocco
575-0, ISBN:
- E.Yazgan Bulgun , S.Yeşilpınar.
(2007) Garment Fitting Problems of Turkish Females Towards Mass Customization.
AUTEX, Tampere, Finland
0-0, ISBN:
- O.Kayacan , E.Bulgun , Ö.Şahin.
(2006) Designing An Electronic Body Temperature Control Unit for Smart Textiles.
Futurotextiles, France, Lille
30-34, ISBN:
- E.Bulgun , A.Vuruşkan.
(2005) Development Of A Software About Calculating The Production Parameters in Knıtted Garment Plants.
Enformatika Volume:9
6-12, ISBN:
- E.Bulgun , O.Kayacan.
(2005) RFID Applications in Textile Industry.
II. International Technical Congress
226-236, ISBN:
- S.Yeşilpınar , E.Bulgun.
(2004) Developments Of Virtual Garment Simulation.
II.International Istanbul Textile Congress
77-0, ISBN:
- E.Bulgun , S.Yeşilpınar.
(2004) A Study On Seam Strength Of Fabrics Knitted From Ring Compact And OE-Rotor Yarns.
4th World Textile Conference, Autex, France, ENSAIT
0-0, ISBN:
- E.Yazgan Bulgun , O.Kayacan.
(2003) Medical Aspects of Smart Clothes-Saving Lives By Textiles.
5th İnternational Conference TEXSCI,(Textiles Science 2003), Liberec, Czech Republic
0-0, ISBN:
- E.Bulgun , S.Yeşilpınar , O.Kayacan.
(2002) Review on Wearable Computers.
The Ith. International Technical Textiles Congress, İzmir
204-215, ISBN:
- A.Kut , D.Pakalın , K.U.Birant , E.Yazgan Bulgun and S.Yeşilpınar.
(2001) New Approach For Computerized Clothing Design in Garment Industry.
Sixteenth International On Computer And Information Sciences / ISCIS XVI, Proceedings Of The Sixteenth International On Computer And Information Sciences
476-483, ISBN: