Prof. Dr. Murat AŞKAR
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği
Prof. Dr. Murat AŞKAR
Mühendislik Fakültesi
Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği
CPCI-S veya CPCI-SSH endexli konferans bildiri kitaplarında yayımlanmış bildiriler
- R.Sever and M.Aşkar.
(2012) A 5GHz 8x8-bit multiplier using Wave Component Sampling Method.
2012 International Conference On Advanced Electrical Engineering (ICAEE 2012)
0-0, ISBN:
- R.Sever and M.Aşkar.
(2010) 8×8-Bit Multiplier Designed with a New Wave-pipelining Scheme.
2010 IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems (ISCAS) / Proceedings Of 2010 IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems (ISCAS)
2095-2098, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5308-5
- N.Ismailoğlu and M.Aşkar.
(2008) Verification Of Delay Insensitivity In Bit-Level Pipelined Dual-Rail Threshold Logic Adders.
7th WSEAS International Conference On Electronics , Hardware, Wireless And Optical Communications / Electronics And Communications: Proceedings Of The 7th WSEAS International Conference On Electronics
23-27, ISBN:
- N.Ismailoğlu and M.Aşkar.
(2008) SDIVA: Structural Delay Insensitivity Verification Analysis Method for Bit-Level Pipelined Systolic Arrays with Early Output Evaluation.
11th EUROMICRO Conference On Digital System Design / Proceedings Of 11th EUROMICRO Conference On Digital System Design - Architectures, Methods And Tools
566-571, ISBN:
- N.Ismailoğlu and M.Aşkar.
(2007) Application of Bit-Level Pipelining to Delay Insensitive Null Convention Adders.
2007 IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems / Proceedings Of 2007 IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems, Vols 1-11
3259-3262, ISBN:
- R.Sever , N.İsmailoğlu , C.Tekmen and M.Aşkar.
(2004) A High Speed ASIC Implementation of the Rijndael Algorithm.
IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems / Proceedings Of 2004 IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems, Vol 2,
541-544, ISBN:
- R.Sever , N.İsmailoğlu , C.Tekmen , M.Aşkar and B.Okcan.
(2004) A High Speed FPGA Implementation of the Rijndael Algorithm.
EUROMICRO Systems On Digital System Design / Proceedings Of The EUROMICRO Systems On Digital System Design
541-544, ISBN:
- S.Yeşil , N.İsmailoğlu , C.Tekmen , M.Aşkar.
(2004) Two Fast RSA Implementations Using High-Radix Montgomery Algorithm.
2004 IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems / Proceedings 2004 IEEE International Symposium On Circuits And Systems, Vol 2,
557-560, ISBN:
- A.Telli , S.Demir , M.Aşkar.
(2004) Practical Performance of Planar Spiral Inductors.
IEEE / ICECS 2004: 11th IEEE International Conference On Electronics, Circuits And Systems
487-490, ISBN:
- A.Telli , M.Aşkar.
(2004) CMOS LNA Design for System-on-Chip Receiver Stages.
2004 Topical Meeting On Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits In RF Systems / Digest Of Papers Of 2004 Topical Meeting On Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits In RF Systems,
171-174, ISBN:
- A.Telli , S.Demir , M.Aşkar.
(2003) Planar Spiral Inductor Modeling for RFIC Design.
VLSI'03: International Conference On VLSI / VLSI'03: Proceedings Of The International Conference On VLSI
138-142, ISBN:
- A.Telli , M.Askar.
(2003) CMOS LNA Design for LEO Space S-Band Applications.
15th IEEE Canadian Conference On Electrical And Computer Engineering / CCECE 2003: Canadian Conference On Electrical And Computer Engineering, Vols 1-3, Proceedings: Towar
27-30, ISBN:
- E.Esen , A.Alatan , M.Aşkar.
(2003) Trellis Coded Quantization for Data Hiding.
IEEE Region 8 Eurocon 2003: International Conference On Computer As A Tool / IEEE Region 8 Eurocon 2003, Vol B, Proceedings: Computer As A Tool
384-388, ISBN:
- E.Ungan , M.Aşkar.
(1994) A Gate Array Chip for High-Frequency DSP Applications.
7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MeleCON 94)
549-552, ISBN:
- I.Torunoğlu , M.Aşkar.
(1994) Fast Constraint Graph Generation Algorithms for VLSI Layout Compaction.
7th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MeleCON 94)
577-580, ISBN: